OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
Examples Sussman Redistancing

Disk 2D Sphere 3D Images 2D Images 3D

In each of these examples, we either create a geometrical object on a grid or load a binary image / volume onto the grid. The geometrical objects are initially defined by the following indicator function

\[ \phi_{\text{indicator}} = \begin{cases} +1 & \text{point lies inside the object} \\ -1 & \text{point lies outside the object} \\ \end{cases} \]

This indicator function is already some form of a level-set-function. In order to convert Phi_indicator into a signed-distance function (SDF), where

\[|\nabla\phi| = 1\]

we will perform Sussman redistancing (see: M. Sussman and E. Fatemi, “Efficient, interface-preserving level set redistancing algorithm and its application to interfacial incompressible fluid flow” (1999), Appendix A).

In the Sussman-redistancing, a level-set-function, which can be as simple as a step-function but requires a switch of sign accross the surface of the object, is reinitialized to a SDF by finding the steady-state solution of the following PDE:

\[ \phi_{t} + sgn(\phi_{0})(|\nabla\phi| - 1) = 0 \]

For improved numerical stability and faster convergence, the sign function is replaced by:

\[ sgn_{\epsilon}(\phi) = \frac{\phi}{ \sqrt{\phi^2 + |\nabla\phi|^2 \Delta x^2} }\]

where the φ is the approximation of the SDF from the last iteration (see: Peng et al. "A PDE-Based Fast Local Level Set Method", equation (36)).