OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
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v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args > Struct Template Reference

Recursive specialization of v_transform in case of metafunction with 2 argument. More...

Detailed Description

template<template< typename, typename > class H, typename arg0, typename F, typename L, bool exit, typename ... Args>
struct v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args >

Recursive specialization of v_transform in case of metafunction with 2 argument.

Hthe metafunction
Fsuppose to be the original end of boost::mpl::vector
Lsuppose to be the actual position of the boost::mpl::vector
exit,whentrue it say to terminate the sequence

Definition at line 138 of file variadic_to_vmpl.hpp.

#include <variadic_to_vmpl.hpp>

Public Types

typedef boost::mpl::deref< F >::type front_
 last element of the vector
typedef boost::mpl::next< F >::type next_
 next element of the vector
typedef exit_impl< next_, L >::type exit_
 exit condition
typedef v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, next_, L, exit_::value, typenameH< arg0, front_ >::type, Args... >::type type
 Recursive call.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ exit_

template<template< typename, typename > class H, typename arg0 , typename F , typename L , bool exit, typename ... Args>
typedef exit_impl<next_,L>::type v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args >::exit_

exit condition

Definition at line 147 of file variadic_to_vmpl.hpp.

◆ front_

template<template< typename, typename > class H, typename arg0 , typename F , typename L , bool exit, typename ... Args>
typedef boost::mpl::deref<F>::type v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args >::front_

last element of the vector

Definition at line 141 of file variadic_to_vmpl.hpp.

◆ next_

template<template< typename, typename > class H, typename arg0 , typename F , typename L , bool exit, typename ... Args>
typedef boost::mpl::next<F>::type v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args >::next_

next element of the vector

Definition at line 144 of file variadic_to_vmpl.hpp.

◆ type

template<template< typename, typename > class H, typename arg0 , typename F , typename L , bool exit, typename ... Args>
typedef v_transform_two_impl<H,arg0,next_,L,exit_::value,typenameH<arg0,front_>::type,Args...>::type v_transform_two_impl< H, arg0, F, L, exit, Args >::type

Recursive call.

Definition at line 150 of file variadic_to_vmpl.hpp.

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