OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT, typename ct_params, typename indexT, template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT, typename linearizer, typename BcT>
class SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >

Definition at line 29 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

+ Inheritance diagram for SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >:

Public Types

typedef AggregateBlockT AggregateBlockType
typedef indexT indexT_
typedef int yes_has_check_device_pointer
 Indicate this structure has a function to check the device pointer.
- Public Types inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
typedef AggregateBlockT AggregateType
typedef InsertBlockWrapper< AggregateBlockT, pMask > InsertBlockWrapperType

Public Member Functions

 SparseGridGpu_ker (const openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > &blockMap, linearizer &grid, GridSmT extendedBlockGeometry, unsigned int stencilSupportRadius, openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< short int, short int >, memory_traits_inte > ghostLayerToThreadsMapping, openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_inte > nn_blocks, openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_inte > buffPnt, unsigned int ghostLayerSize, BcT &bck)
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ __host__ grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > getGlobalCoord (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &blockCoord, unsigned int offset)
 Get the coordinate of the block and the offset id inside the block it give the global coordinate.
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ size_t getLinId (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord) const
 Linearization of global coordinates.
__device__ unsigned int size (unsigned int i)
 Size of the sparse grid in each direction.
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getCoord (size_t linId) const
 The inversion of getLinId.
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getCoord (size_t dataBlockId, unsigned offset) const
 The inversion of getLinId.
template<typename ite_type >
__device__ bool getInsertBlockOffset (const ite_type &itd, const grid_key_dx< dim, int > &p, grid_key_dx< dim, int > &blk, int &offset)
 Given a point to insert, return the block-id and offset of that point.
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ size_t getBlockLinId (CoordT blockCoord) const
 Linearization of block coordinates.
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getBlockCoord (size_t blockLinId) const
 The inversion of getBlockLinId.
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getBlockBaseCoord (size_t blockLinId) const
 Given a linearized block index it return the coordinated of the lower-left point in 2D or in general the origin of the block in global coordinates.
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getNeighbour (grid_key_dx< dim, int > base, unsigned int dimension, char offset) const
constexpr __device__ unsigned int getBlockSize () const
 Return the size of the block.
__device__ unsigned int getEnlargedBlockSize () const
 Return the size of the block + ghost needed to apply the stencil.
template<typename NN_type , typename indexT2 >
__device__ block_offset< indexT2 > getNNPoint (openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int > pos, unsigned int offset, const grid_key_dx< dim, indexT2 > &mov)
 Get the neighborhood point in one direction.
__device__ unsigned int posToEnlargedBlockPos (unsigned int pos) const
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > getCoordInEnlargedBlock (const unsigned int offset) const
__device__ unsigned int getLinIdInEnlargedBlock (const unsigned int offset) const
template<typename Coordtype >
__device__ unsigned int getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock (const grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &base, grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &offsets) const
template<typename Coordtype >
__device__ unsigned int getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock (const grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &base, unsigned int dimension, char offset) const
__device__ bool getIfBoundaryElementInEnlargedBlock (const grid_key_dx< dim, int > coordInEnlargedBlock, char(&boundaryDirection)[dim])
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto get (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord) const -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ void get_sparse (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord, unsigned int &dataBlockPos, unsigned int &offset) const
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto get (const block_offset< CoordT > &coord) const -> decltype(std::declval< BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > >().getblockMap().template get_ele< p >(coord.pos)[])
 Access the grid point.
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto get (const block_offset< CoordT > &coord) -> decltype(std::declval< BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > >().getblockMap().template get_ele< p >(coord.pos)[])
 Access the grid point.
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto insert (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord) -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > &
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ unsigned int getBlockId (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord)
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ unsigned int getOffset (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord)
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ auto getBlock (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >::getBlock(0))
__device__ auto getBlock (const unsigned int blockLinId) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >::getBlock(0))
template<unsigned int chunksPerBlocks = 1, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto insertBlock (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >::insertBlock(0))
template<unsigned int chunksPerBlocks = 1>
__device__ auto insertBlock (const indexT blockLinId, const unsigned int stride=8192) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >::insertBlock(0))
__device__ auto getPointBuffer () -> decltype(buffPnt) &
 Return the buffer of points.
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void loadBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void loadBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)])
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename CoordT >
__device__ void loadGhostBlock (const AggrWrapperT &dataBlockLoad, const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void loadGhostBlock (const AggrWrapperT &dataBlockLoad, const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int > blockLinId, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void loadGhostBlock (const AggrWrapperT &dataBlockLoad, const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int > blockLinId, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion, unsigned char *mask)
template<unsigned int ... props, typename CoordT >
__device__ void loadGhost (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord, const int *neighboursPos, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)])
template<unsigned int ... props>
__device__ void loadGhost (const unsigned int blockLinId, const int *neighboursPos, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)])
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void storeBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ void storeBlockInPlace (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void storeBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)])
template<unsigned int ... props, typename CoordT >
__device__ void storeBlockInPlace (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)])
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > & get (grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > coord, Box< dim, indexT > sharedMemBox, ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *sharedRegion)
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ void remove (const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &coord)
template<typename keyIndexT >
__device__ bool isPadding (grid_key_dx< dim, keyIndexT > coord) const
template<typename NNtype >
__device__ indexT getNeighboursPos (const indexT blockId, const unsigned int offset)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
 BlockMapGpu_ker (openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > blockMap)
__device__ auto get (unsigned int linId) const -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p >
__device__ auto get (unsigned int blockId, unsigned int offset) const -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p >
__device__ auto getBlock (unsigned int blockId) -> decltype(blockMap.get(0))
__device__ ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > & getReference (unsigned int linId)
__device__ ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > & getReference (unsigned int blockId, unsigned int offset)
__device__ auto insert (unsigned int linId) -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > &
__device__ auto insert (unsigned int blockId, unsigned int offset) -> ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > &
__device__ auto insertBlock (indexT blockId, unsigned int stride=8192) -> decltype(blockMap.insert(0))
__device__ openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > & getblockMap ()
__device__ void get_sparse (unsigned int linId, unsigned int &dataBlockPos, unsigned int &offset) const
__device__ void init ()
__device__ void flush_block_insert ()
__device__ ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, pMask > getMask (unsigned int linId) const
__device__ void remove (unsigned int linId)
__device__ void remove (unsigned int blockId, unsigned int offset)
__device__ auto getIndexBuffer () -> decltype(blockMap.getIndexBuffer())
 Return the index buffer for the sparse vector.
__device__ auto getDataBuffer () -> decltype(blockMap.getDataBuffer())
 Return the data buffer for the sparse vector.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename headers_type >
static __device__ int unpack_headers (headers_type &headers, unsigned char *data, int ih, int sz_pack)

static constexpr __device__ unsigned int getBlockEdgeSize ()
 Return the size of the block edge size.
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ bool isPadding (const BitMaskT &bitMask)
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ void setPadding (BitMaskT &bitMask)
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ void unsetPadding (BitMaskT &bitMask)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
static __device__ __host__ bool getBit (const BitMaskT &bitMask, unsigned char pos)
static __device__ __host__ void setBit (BitMaskT &bitMask, unsigned char pos)
static __device__ __host__ void unsetBit (BitMaskT &bitMask, unsigned char pos)
static __device__ unsigned int getBlockId (unsigned int linId)
static __device__ unsigned int getOffset (unsigned int linId)
static __device__ bool exist (const BitMaskT &bitMask)
static __device__ void setExist (BitMaskT &bitMask)
static __device__ void unsetExist (BitMaskT &bitMask)

Data Fields

unsigned int stencilSupportRadius

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int d = dim
static constexpr unsigned int dims = dim
static constexpr unsigned int blockEdgeSize_ = blockEdgeSize
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
static const unsigned int pMask

Protected Attributes

unsigned int ghostLayerSize
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< short int, short int >, memory_traits_integhostLayerToThreadsMapping
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_intenn_blocks
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_intebuffPnt
- Protected Attributes inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > blockMap

Static Protected Attributes

static const unsigned char PADDING_BIT = 1
static constexpr unsigned int blockSize = BlockTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, 0>::size
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from BlockMapGpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base >
static const unsigned char EXIST_BIT

Private Member Functions

template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void __loadBlock (const AggrWrapperT &block, SharedPtrT sharedRegionPtr)
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void __loadBlock (const AggrWrapperT &block, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1])
template<unsigned int p, typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void __loadGhostNoNN (const unsigned int blockId, SharedPtrT *sharedRegionPtr)
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void __loadGhostBlock (const AggrWrapperT &block, const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int > blockId, SharedPtrT *sharedRegionPtr)
 Load the ghost area in the shared region.
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void __loadGhostBlock (const AggrWrapperT &block, const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int > blockId, SharedPtrT *sharedRegionPtr, unsigned char *maskPtr)
 Load the ghost area in the shared region.
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props>
__device__ void __loadGhost (const unsigned int blockId, const int *neighboursPos, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1])
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void __storeBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, SharedPtrT sharedRegionPtr)
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void __storeBlock (AggrWrapperT &block, void *sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1])

Private Attributes

linearizer grid
GridSmT blockWithGhostGrid
BcT background
 background values

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AggregateBlockType

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
typedef AggregateBlockT SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::AggregateBlockType

Definition at line 51 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ indexT_

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
typedef indexT SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::indexT_

Definition at line 52 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ yes_has_check_device_pointer

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
typedef int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::yes_has_check_device_pointer

Indicate this structure has a function to check the device pointer.

Definition at line 55 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseGridGpu_ker()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::SparseGridGpu_ker ( const openfpm::vector_sparse_gpu_ker< AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base > &  blockMap,
linearizer &  grid,
GridSmT  extendedBlockGeometry,
unsigned int  stencilSupportRadius,
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< short int, short int >, memory_traits_inte ghostLayerToThreadsMapping,
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_inte nn_blocks,
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker< aggregate< indexT >, memory_traits_inte buffPnt,
unsigned int  ghostLayerSize,
BcT &  bck 


this constructor is in general called in the function toKernel() of SparseGridGpu

Definition at line 64 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __loadBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  block,
SharedPtrT  sharedRegionPtr 

Definition at line 743 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __loadBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  block,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1] 

Definition at line 765 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __loadGhost()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props>
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadGhost ( const unsigned int  blockId,
const int *  neighboursPos,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1] 

Definition at line 862 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __loadGhostBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadGhostBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  block,
const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int >  blockId,
SharedPtrT *  sharedRegionPtr 

Load the ghost area in the shared region.

blockIdIndex of the center block
neighboursPosneighborhood blocks around blockId (if neighbourPos is null loadGhost)
sharedRegionPtrshared region

Definition at line 820 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __loadGhostBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadGhostBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  block,
const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int >  blockId,
SharedPtrT *  sharedRegionPtr,
unsigned char *  maskPtr 

Load the ghost area in the shared region.

blockIdIndex of the center block
neighboursPosneighborhood blocks around blockId (if neighbourPos is null loadGhost)
sharedRegionPtrshared region

Definition at line 844 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __loadGhostNoNN()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__loadGhostNoNN ( const unsigned int  blockId,
SharedPtrT *  sharedRegionPtr 

Definition at line 782 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __storeBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename SharedPtrT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__storeBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
SharedPtrT  sharedRegionPtr 

Definition at line 877 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ __storeBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::__storeBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)+1] 

Definition at line 900 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ get() [1/4]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::get ( const block_offset< CoordT > &  coord) -> decltype(std::declval<BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>>().getblockMap().template get_ele<p>(coord.pos)[])

Access the grid point.

a reference to the data point

Definition at line 440 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ get() [2/4]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::get ( const block_offset< CoordT > &  coord) const -> decltype(std::declval<BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>>().getblockMap().template get_ele<p>(coord.pos)[])

Access the grid point.

a reference to the data point

Definition at line 426 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ get() [3/4]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::get ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord) const -> ScalarTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, p>

Definition at line 403 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ get() [4/4]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > & SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::get ( grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT >  coord,
Box< dim, indexT >  sharedMemBox,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Definition at line 640 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ get_sparse()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::get_sparse ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord,
unsigned int &  dataBlockPos,
unsigned int &  offset 
) const

Definition at line 412 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlock ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>::getBlock(0))

Definition at line 467 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlock ( const unsigned int  blockLinId) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>::getBlock(0))

Definition at line 473 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockBaseCoord()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockBaseCoord ( size_t  blockLinId) const

Given a linearized block index it return the coordinated of the lower-left point in 2D or in general the origin of the block in global coordinates.

blockLinIdlinearized block index
the block coordinates

Definition at line 243 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockCoord()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockCoord ( size_t  blockLinId) const

The inversion of getBlockLinId.

blockLinIdlinearized block index
the block coordinates

Definition at line 230 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockEdgeSize()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
static constexpr __device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockEdgeSize ( )

Return the size of the block edge size.

the block edge size

Definition at line 261 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockId()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockId ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord)

Definition at line 453 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockLinId()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ size_t SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockLinId ( CoordT  blockCoord) const

Linearization of block coordinates.

blockCoordblock coordinates
the linearized index

Definition at line 218 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getBlockSize()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
constexpr __device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getBlockSize ( ) const

Return the size of the block.

the block size

Definition at line 272 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getCoord() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getCoord ( size_t  dataBlockId,
unsigned  offset 
) const

The inversion of getLinId.

the point coordinate

Definition at line 176 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getCoord() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getCoord ( size_t  linId) const

The inversion of getLinId.

the point coordinate

Definition at line 163 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getCoordInEnlargedBlock()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getCoordInEnlargedBlock ( const unsigned int  offset) const

Definition at line 341 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getEnlargedBlockSize()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getEnlargedBlockSize ( ) const

Return the size of the block + ghost needed to apply the stencil.

the block size + ghost

Definition at line 282 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getGlobalCoord()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ __host__ grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getGlobalCoord ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  blockCoord,
unsigned int  offset 

Get the coordinate of the block and the offset id inside the block it give the global coordinate.

blockCoordblock coordinate
offsetin the block
the global coordinate position

Definition at line 126 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getIfBoundaryElementInEnlargedBlock()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ bool SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getIfBoundaryElementInEnlargedBlock ( const grid_key_dx< dim, int >  coordInEnlargedBlock,
char(&)  boundaryDirection[dim] 

Definition at line 375 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getInsertBlockOffset()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename ite_type >
__device__ bool SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getInsertBlockOffset ( const ite_type &  itd,
const grid_key_dx< dim, int > &  p,
grid_key_dx< dim, int > &  blk,
int &  offset 

Given a point to insert, return the block-id and offset of that point.

pPoint the thread is processing
blkBlock id the point is falling into
offsetlinearized index within the block
true if the point is inactive

Definition at line 192 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getLinId()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ size_t SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getLinId ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord) const

Linearization of global coordinates.

coordpoint coordinates
the linearized position

Definition at line 139 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getLinIdInEnlargedBlock()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getLinIdInEnlargedBlock ( const unsigned int  offset) const

Definition at line 349 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getNeighbour()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ grid_key_dx< dim, int > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getNeighbour ( grid_key_dx< dim, int >  base,
unsigned int  dimension,
char  offset 
) const

Definition at line 248 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename Coordtype >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock ( const grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &  base,
grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &  offsets 
) const

Definition at line 360 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename Coordtype >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getNeighbourLinIdInEnlargedBlock ( const grid_key_dx< dim, Coordtype > &  base,
unsigned int  dimension,
char  offset 
) const

Definition at line 368 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getNeighboursPos()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename NNtype >
__device__ indexT SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getNeighboursPos ( const indexT  blockId,
const unsigned int  offset 

Definition at line 696 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getNNPoint()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename NN_type , typename indexT2 >
__device__ block_offset< indexT2 > SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getNNPoint ( openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int >  pos,
unsigned int  offset,
const grid_key_dx< dim, indexT2 > &  mov 

Get the neighborhood point in one direction.

This function assume you do not move more than one block edge size in one direction
posdata block position
offsetinside the data block
positionwhere to move

Definition at line 297 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getOffset()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getOffset ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord)

Definition at line 460 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ getPointBuffer()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::getPointBuffer ( ) -> decltype(buffPnt) &

Return the buffer of points.

the buffer of points

Definition at line 497 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ insert()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::insert ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord) -> ScalarTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, p>&

Definition at line 447 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ insertBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int chunksPerBlocks = 1, typename CoordT >
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::insertBlock ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlock(0))

Definition at line 480 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ insertBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int chunksPerBlocks = 1>
__device__ auto SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::insertBlock ( const indexT  blockLinId,
const unsigned int  stride = 8192 
) -> decltype(BlockMapGpu_ker<AggregateBlockT, indexT, layout_base>::insertBlock(0))

Definition at line 487 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ isPadding() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ bool SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::isPadding ( const BitMaskT &  bitMask)

Definition at line 671 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ isPadding() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename keyIndexT >
__device__ bool SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::isPadding ( grid_key_dx< dim, keyIndexT >  coord) const

Definition at line 677 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Load a data block into the inner part of a shared memory region. The given shared memory region should be shaped as a dim-dimensional array and sized so that it can contain the block plus the ghost layer around it.

Template Parameters
pThe property to retrieve from global memory.
CoordTThe coordinate type.
SharedThe type of the shared memory region.
coordThe coordinate of the block.
sharedRegionPtrThe pointer to the shared memory region.

Definition at line 517 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)] 

Load a data block into the inner part of a shared memory region. The given shared memory region should be shaped as a dim-dimensional array and sized so that it can contain the block plus the ghost layer around it.

Template Parameters
CoordTThe coordinate type.
propsThe set of properties to retrieve from global memory.
coordThe coordinate of the block.
sharedRegionPtrThe array of pointers to the shared memory regions, one for each property.

Definition at line 534 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadGhost() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int ... props, typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadGhost ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord,
const int *  neighboursPos,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)] 

Load the ghost layer of a data block into the boundary part of a shared memory region. The given shared memory region should be shaped as a dim-dimensional array and sized so that it can contain the block plus the ghost layer around it.

Template Parameters
CoordTThe coordinate type.
SharedThe type of the shared memory region.
propsThe set of properties to retrieve from global memory.
coordThe coordinate of the block.
sharedRegionPtrThe pointer to the shared memory region.

Definition at line 585 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadGhost() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int ... props>
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadGhost ( const unsigned int  blockLinId,
const int *  neighboursPos,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)] 

Definition at line 593 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadGhostBlock() [1/3]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT , typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadGhostBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  dataBlockLoad,
const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Load the ghost layer of a data block into the boundary part of a shared memory region. The given shared memory region should be shaped as a dim-dimensional array and sized so that it can contain the block plus the ghost layer around it.

Template Parameters
pThe property to retrieve from global memory.
CoordTThe coordinate type.
SharedThe type of the shared memory region.
coordThe coordinate of the block.
sharedRegionPtrThe pointer to the shared memory region.

Definition at line 553 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadGhostBlock() [2/3]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadGhostBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  dataBlockLoad,
const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int >  blockLinId,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Definition at line 561 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ loadGhostBlock() [3/3]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::loadGhostBlock ( const AggrWrapperT &  dataBlockLoad,
const openfpm::sparse_index< unsigned int >  blockLinId,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion,
unsigned char *  mask 

Definition at line 568 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ posToEnlargedBlockPos()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::posToEnlargedBlockPos ( unsigned int  pos) const

Definition at line 329 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ remove()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::remove ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord)

Definition at line 665 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ setPadding()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::setPadding ( BitMaskT &  bitMask)

Definition at line 684 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ size()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
__device__ unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::size ( unsigned int  i)

Size of the sparse grid in each direction.

the linearized position

Definition at line 151 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ storeBlock() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::storeBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Definition at line 600 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ storeBlock() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int ... props, typename AggrWrapperT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::storeBlock ( AggrWrapperT &  block,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)] 

Read a data block from the inner part of a shared memory region and store it in global memory. The given shared memory region should be shaped as a dim-dimensional array and sized so that it can contain the block plus the ghost layer around it.

Template Parameters
CoordTThe coordinate type.
SharedThe type of the shared memory region.
propsThe set of properties to retrieve from global memory.
coordThe coordinate of the block.
sharedRegionPtrThe array of pointers to the shared memory regions, one for each property.

Definition at line 627 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ storeBlockInPlace() [1/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int p, typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::storeBlockInPlace ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord,
ScalarTypeOf< AggregateBlockT, p > *  sharedRegion 

Definition at line 608 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ storeBlockInPlace() [2/2]

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<unsigned int ... props, typename CoordT >
__device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::storeBlockInPlace ( const grid_key_dx< dim, CoordT > &  coord,
void *  sharedRegionPtr[sizeof...(props)] 

Definition at line 633 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ unpack_headers()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename headers_type >
static __device__ int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::unpack_headers ( headers_type &  headers,
unsigned char *  data,
int  ih,
int  sz_pack 


Definition at line 90 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ unsetPadding()

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
template<typename BitMaskT >
static __device__ void SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::unsetPadding ( BitMaskT &  bitMask)

Definition at line 690 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

Field Documentation

◆ background

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
BcT SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::background

background values

Definition at line 36 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ blockEdgeSize_

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
constexpr unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::blockEdgeSize_ = blockEdgeSize

Definition at line 49 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ blockSize

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
constexpr unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::blockSize = BlockTypeOf<AggregateBlockT, 0>::size

Definition at line 40 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ blockWithGhostGrid

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
GridSmT SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::blockWithGhostGrid

Definition at line 33 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ buffPnt

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker<aggregate<indexT>,memory_traits_inte> SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::buffPnt

Definition at line 44 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ d

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
constexpr unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::d = dim

Definition at line 47 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ dims

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
constexpr unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::dims = dim

Definition at line 48 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ ghostLayerSize

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::ghostLayerSize

Definition at line 41 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ ghostLayerToThreadsMapping

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker<aggregate<short int,short int>,memory_traits_inte> SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::ghostLayerToThreadsMapping

Definition at line 42 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ grid

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
linearizer SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::grid

Definition at line 32 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ nn_blocks

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
openfpm::vector_gpu_ker<aggregate<indexT>,memory_traits_inte> SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::nn_blocks

Definition at line 43 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.


template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
const unsigned char SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::PADDING_BIT = 1

Definition at line 39 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

◆ stencilSupportRadius

template<unsigned int dim, unsigned int blockEdgeSize, typename AggregateBlockT , typename ct_params , typename indexT , template< typename > class layout_base, typename GridSmT , typename linearizer , typename BcT >
unsigned int SparseGridGpu_ker< dim, blockEdgeSize, AggregateBlockT, ct_params, indexT, layout_base, GridSmT, linearizer, BcT >::stencilSupportRadius

Definition at line 50 of file SparseGridGpu_ker.cuh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: