Here we are creating a distributed grid defined by the following parameters
3 dimensionality of the grid
float type used for the spatial coordinates
each grid point contain a vector of dimension 3 (float[3]),
float[3] is the information stored by each grid point a float[3] the list of properties must be put into an aggregate data structure aggregate<prop1,prop2,prop3, ... >
Get an iterator that go through all the grid points. In this example we use iterators. Iterators are convenient way to explore/iterate data-structures.
// Get the iterator (No ghost)
auto dom = g_dist.getDomainIterator();
// Counter
size_t count = 0;
// Iterate over all the grid points
while (dom.isNext())
// next point
Grid coordinates
Get the local grid key, one local grid key* identify one point in the grid and store the local grid coordinates of such point
(*)Internally a local grid store the sub-domain id (each sub-domain contain a grid) and the local grid point id identified by 2 integers in 2D 3 integer in 3D and so on. These two distinct elements are available with key.getSub() and key.getKey().
// local grid key from iterator
auto key = dom.get();
Short explanation
In oder to get the real/global coordinates of the grid point we have to convert the object key with getGKey
Local grid coordinates are Sub-domain = 0, grid position = (0,0)
Here we convert the local grid coordinates, into global coordinates. key_g internally store 3 integers that identify the position of the grid point in global coordinates
auto key_g = g_dist.getGKey(key);
Assign properties
Each grid point has a vector property we write on the vector coordinates the global coordinate of the grid point. At the same time we also count the points
g_dist.template get<0>(key)[0] = key_g.get(0);
g_dist.template get<0>(key)[1] = key_g.get(1);
g_dist.template get<0>(key)[2] = key_g.get(2);
// Count the points
Each sub-domain has an extended part, that is materially contained in another processor. The function ghost_get guarantee (after return) that this extended part is perfectly synchronized with the other processor.
g_dist.template ghost_get<0>();
count contain the number of points the local processor contain, if we are interested to count the total number across the processor we can use the function sum, to sum numbers across processors. First we have to get an instance of Vcluster, queue an operation of sum with the variable count and finally execute. All the operation are asynchronous, execute work like a barrier and ensure that all the queued operations are executed
Finally we want a nice output to visualize the information stored by the distributed grid. The function write by default produce VTK files. One for each processor that can be visualized with the programs like paraview
For debugging purpose and demonstration we also output the decomposition of the space across processor. This function produce VTK files that can be visualized with Paraview
Here we see the decomposition in 3D for 2 processors. The red box in wire-frame is the processor 0 subdomain. The blu one is the processor 1 sub-domain. The red solid box is the extended part for processor 0 the blu solid part is the extended part for processor 1
At the very end of the program we have always to de-initialize the library