OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
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2// Created by jstark on 2020-05-18.
66// Include level-set-method related header files
70#include "Draw/DrawSphere.hpp"
86int main(int argc, char* argv[])
88 typedef double phi_type;
89 // initialize library
90 openfpm_init(&argc, &argv);
91 // Set current working directory, define output paths and create folders where output will be saved
92 std::string cwd = get_cwd();
93 const std::string path_output = cwd + "/output_sphere";
113 // grid dimension
114 constexpr size_t grid_dim = 3;
115 // Some indices for the grid / grid properties
116 const size_t x = 0;
117 const size_t y = 1;
118 const size_t z = 2;
120 const size_t Phi_0_grid = 0;
121 const size_t Phi_SDF_grid = 1;
141 // Here we create a 3D grid that stores two properties:
142 // Prop1: store the initial Phi;
143 // Prop2: here the re-initialized Phi (signed distance function) will be written to in the re-distancing step
144 const size_t sz[grid_dim] = {128, 128, 128};
145 Box<grid_dim, phi_type> box({0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {10.0, 10.0, 10.0});
147 typedef aggregate<phi_type, phi_type> props;
148 typedef grid_dist_id<grid_dim, phi_type, props > grid_in_type;
149 grid_in_type g_dist(sz, box, ghost);
150 g_dist.setPropNames({"Phi_0", "Phi_SDF"});
173 // Now we initialize the grid with a filled sphere. Outside the sphere, the value of Phi_0 will be -1, inside +1.
174 phi_type radius = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
175 init_grid_with_sphere<Phi_0_grid>(g_dist, radius, 5, 5, 5); // Initialize sphere onto grid, centered at (5, 5, 5)
177 g_dist.write(path_output + "/grid_initial_sphere_preRedistancing_radius" + std::to_string((int)radius) , FORMAT_BINARY); // Save the sphere as vtk file
219 // Now we want to convert the initial Phi into a signed distance function (SDF) with magnitude of gradient = 1.
220 // For the initial re-distancing we use the Sussman method. First of all, we can set some redistancing options.
221 Redist_options<phi_type> redist_options;
222 redist_options.min_iter = 1e3;
223 redist_options.max_iter = 1e4;
225 redist_options.convTolChange.value = 1e-7;
226 redist_options.convTolChange.check = true;
227 redist_options.convTolResidual.value = 1e-6; // is ignored if convTolResidual.check = false;
228 redist_options.convTolResidual.check = false;
230 redist_options.interval_check_convergence = 1e3;
231 redist_options.width_NB_in_grid_points = 10;
232 redist_options.print_current_iterChangeResidual = true;
233 redist_options.print_steadyState_iter = true;
234 redist_options.save_temp_grid = true;
257 RedistancingSussman<grid_in_type, phi_type> redist_obj(g_dist, redist_options); // Instantiation of
258 // Sussman-redistancing class
259 // std::cout << "dt = " << redist_obj.get_time_step() << std::endl;
260 // Run the redistancing. in the <> brackets provide property-index where 1.) your initial Phi is stored and 2.)
261 // where the resulting SDF should be written to.
262 redist_obj.run_redistancing<Phi_0_grid, Phi_SDF_grid>();
264 g_dist.write(path_output + "/grid_sphere_postRedistancing", FORMAT_BINARY); // Save the result as vtk file
265 + "/grid_sphere_postRedistancing" + ".bin"); // Save the result as hdf5 file that can be
266 // reloaded onto an openFPM grid
284 // Get narrow band: Place particles on interface (narrow band width e.g. 2 grid points on each side of the interface)
285 size_t bc[grid_dim] = {NON_PERIODIC, NON_PERIODIC, NON_PERIODIC};
286 // Create an empty vector to which narrow-band particles will be added. You can choose, how many properties you want.
287 // Minimum is 1 property, to which the Phi_SDF can be written
288 // In this example we chose 3 properties. The 1st for the Phi_SDF, the 2nd for the gradient of phi and the 3rd for
289 // the magnitude of the gradient
290 typedef aggregate<phi_type, Point<grid_dim, phi_type>, phi_type> props_nb;
292 Ghost<grid_dim, phi_type> ghost_vd(0);
293 vd_type vd_narrow_band(0, box, bc, ghost_vd);
294 vd_narrow_band.setPropNames({"Phi_SDF", "Phi_grad", "Phi_magnOfGrad"});
316 size_t thickness_of_narrowBand_in_grid_points = 6;
317 NarrowBand<grid_in_type, phi_type> narrowBand(g_dist, redist_options.width_NB_in_grid_points); // Instantiation of
318 // NarrowBand class
335 // Some indices
336 const size_t Phi_SDF_vd = 0;
337 const size_t Phi_grad_vd = 1;
338 const size_t Phi_magnOfGrad_vd = 2;
363 // Get the narrow band. You can decide, if you only want the Phi_SDF saved to your particles or
364 // if you also want the gradients or gradients and magnitude of gradient.
365 // The function will know depending on how many property-indices you provide in the <> brackets.
366 // First property-index must always be the index of the SDF on the grid!
367 // E.g.: The following line would only write only the Phi_SDF from the grid to your narrow-band particles
368 // narrowBand.get_narrow_band<Phi_SDF_grid, Phi_SDF_vd>(g_dist, vd_narrow_band);
369 // Whereas this will give you the gradients and magnOfGrad of Phi as well:
371 narrowBand.get_narrow_band<Phi_SDF_grid, Phi_SDF_vd, Phi_grad_vd, Phi_magnOfGrad_vd>(g_dist, vd_narrow_band);
373 vd_narrow_band.write(path_output + "/vd_narrow_band_sphere", FORMAT_BINARY); // Save particles as vtk file
374 + "/vd_narrow_band_sphere.bin"); // Save particles as hdf5 file -> can be reloaded as particles
387 openfpm_finalize(); // Finalize openFPM library
388 return 0;
Class for getting the narrow band around the interface.
Header file containing functions for creating files and folders.
static void create_directory_if_not_exist(std::string path, bool silent=0)
Creates a directory if not already existent.
static std::string get_cwd()
Gets the current working directory and returns path as string.
Class for reinitializing a level-set function into a signed distance function using Sussman redistanc...
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Definition Box.hpp:61
Class for getting the narrow band around the interface.
Class for reinitializing a level-set function into a signed distance function using Sussman redistanc...
This is a distributed grid.
Distributed vector.
Structure to bundle options for redistancing.
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