OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
Vector 8 Discrete element method


In this example we show how to implement a simulation Discrete element simulation (DEM) Using the Lorenz-force contact model. We will also use dynamic load balancing to keep the simulation balanced during all simulation time. The simulation result is show in the figures and video below

Simulation video 1

A classical model for DEM simulations of spherical granular flows is the Silbert model, it includes a Herzian contact force and an elastic deformation of the grains. Each particles has radius \(R\), mass \(m\), polar momentum \(I\) and is represented by the location of its center of mass \(r_{i}\). When two particles i and j collide or are in contact, the elastic contact deformation is given by: \(\delta_{ij} = 2R-r_{ij}\)

where \(\vec{r}_{ij}=\vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_j\) is the distance vector connecting particle centers and \(r_{ij} = \|\vec{r}_{ij}\|_2\) its module. The normal and tangential components of the relative velocity at the point of contact is given by

\(\vec{v}_{n_{ij}} = \left(\vec{v}_{ij}\cdot\vec{n}_{ij}\right)\vec{n}_{ij}\) \(\vec{v}_{t_{ij}} = \vec{v}_{ij}-\vec{v}_{n_{ij}}-R\left(\vec{\omega}_i + \vec{\omega}_j \right)\times \vec{n}_{ij} \)

whith \(\vec{n}_{ij}=\vec{r}_{ij}/r_{ij}\) is the normal unit vector in direction of the distance vector, \(\vec{\omega}_i\) is the angular velocity of a particle and \(\vec{v}_{ij}=\vec{v}_i-\vec{v}_j\) the relative velocity between the two particles. The evolution of the elastic tangential displacement \(\vec{u}_{t_{ij}}\) is integrated when two particles are in contact using.

\(\vec{u'}_{t_{ij}} = \vec{u}_{t_{ij}} + \vec{v}_{t_{ij}} \delta t\)

Where $\delta t$ is the time step size. The deformation of the contacts points is stored for each particle and for each new contact point the elastic tangential displacement is initialized with \(\vec{u}_{t_{ij}} = 0\). Thus for each pair of particle interacting the normal and tangential forces become:

\(\vec{F}_{n_{ij}}=\sqrt{\frac{\delta_{ij}}{2R}}\,\,\left(k_n\delta_{ij}\vec{n}_{ij}-\gamma_n m_{\text{eff}}\vec{v}_{n_{ij}}\right) \, , \) \(\vec{F}_{t_{ij}}=\sqrt{\frac{\delta_{ij}}{2R}}\,\,\left(-k_t\vec{u}_{t_{ij}}-\gamma_t m_{\text{eff}}\vec{v}_{t_{ij}}\right) \, ,\)

where \(k_{n,t}\) are the elastic constants in normal and tangential direction, respectively, and \(\gamma _{n,t}\) the corresponding viscoelastic constants. The effective collision mass is given by \(m_{\text{eff}}=\frac{m}{2}\). For each contact point in order to enforce Coulomb's law \(\|\vec{F}_{t_{ij}}\|_2 < \| \mu\vec{F}_{n_{ij}}\|_2\) the tangential force is bounded by the normal component force. In particular the elastic tangential displacement \(\vec{u}_{t_{ij}}\) is adjusted with \(\vec{F}_{t_{ij}} \leftarrow \vec{F}_{t_{ij}}\frac{\|\mu\vec{F}_{n_{ij}}\|_2}{\|\vec{F}_{t_{ij}}\|_2} \)

This adjustment induce a truncation of the elastic displacement. The Coulomb condition is equivalent to the case where two spheres slip against each other without inducing additional deformations. Thus the deformation is truncated using:

\(\vec{u}_{t_{ij}} = -\frac{1}{k_t}\left(\vec{F}_{t_{ij}} \sqrt{\frac{2R}{\delta_{ij}}} + \gamma_t m_{\text{eff}}\vec{v}_{t_{ij}}\right) \, .\)

Considering that each particle \(i\) interact with all the particles $j$ is in touch with , the total resultant force on particle $i$ is then computed by summing the contributions of all pair particles $(i,j)$. Considering that the grains are also under the effect of the gravitational field we obtain that the total force is given by

\(\vec{F}_i^{\text{tot}}=m \vec{g} + \sum_j \left(\vec{F}_{n_{ij}}+\vec{F}_{t_{ij}}\right) \, , \)

where \(\vec{g}\) is the acceleration due to gravity. Because particles has also rotational degree of freedoms, the total torque on particle $i$ is calculated using

\(\vec{T}_i^{\text{tot}} = -R \sum_j \vec{n}_{ij}\times\vec{F}_{t_{ij}} \, .\)

\(\vec{r}_i\) and angular velocities \(\vec{\omega}_i\) for each particle \(i\) at time step \(n+1\), We integrate in time the equations using leap frog scheme with time step given by $\delta t = 10^{-6}\,$s

\(\vec{v}_i^{n+1} = \vec{v}_i^n + \frac{\delta t}{m}\vec{F}_i^{\text{tot}} \, , \qquad \vec{r}_i^{n+1} = \vec{r}_i^n + \delta t \vec{v}_i^{n+1} \) \(\vec{\omega}_i^{n+1} = \vec{\omega}_i^n + \frac{\delta t}{I_i}\vec{T}_i^{\text{tot}} \, ,\)

where \(\vec{r}_i^{n},\vec{v}_i^{n},\vec{\omega}_i^{n}\) denotes respectively the position, the speed and the rotational speed of the particle $i$ at time step \(n\), and \(\delta t\) the time step size.

We simulate an avalanche down an inclined plane


This simulation require several constants to work, here we define mass, radius, delta time elastic constants and stop time, simulation domain and ghost.

double m = 1;
double R = 0.06;
double cutoff = 2 * R;
double skin = 0.1 * cutoff;
constexpr int max_contacts = 36;
constexpr int max_contacts_def = max_contacts * 3;
double dt = 0.0001;
double Im = 2.0 * R * R * m / 5.0;
double k_n = 7849;
double k_t = 7849;
double gamma_n = 3401;
double gamma_t = 3401;
double m_eff = 0.5;
#ifdef TEST_RUN
double t_stop = 0.001;
double t_stop = 16.0000;
double mu = 0.5;
double max_vel;
Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
Box<3,double> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{17.04,6.0,6.6});
Ghost<3,double> g(cutoff + skin);
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Definition Box.hpp:61
Implementation of VCluster class.
Definition VCluster.hpp:59

Sand particles

The definition of sand particles require:

  • velocity: particle velocity
  • force: particle force
  • omega: angular velocity
  • tau: moment of the force
  • cpd: contact point deformation
  • cpi: particle index of the contact point
  • ncp: number of contact points
  • tt: sand particle or recipient particle
  • gid: global id unique for each particles


Initialize the particle in partice we create particles to form a base two walls

// virtual grid
size_t sz[3] = {143,51,56};
Box<3,double> sand_box({1.8,0.0,0.18},{8.58,5.9999,2.7});
// we draw the initialization
auto sand_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(parts,sz,domain,sand_box);
while (sand_it.isNext())
// ... add a particle ...
// ... and set it position ...
parts.getLastPos()[0] = sand_it.get().get(0);
parts.getLastPos()[1] = sand_it.get().get(1);
parts.getLastPos()[2] = sand_it.get().get(2);
parts.getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<omega>()[0] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<omega>()[1] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<omega>()[2] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<tau>()[0] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<tau>()[1] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<tau>()[2] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<force>()[0] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<force>()[1] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<force>()[2] = 0.0;
parts.getLastProp<ncp>() = 0;
parts.getLastProp<tt>() = 0;
Box<3,double> base_box({0.06,0.0,0.06},{16.98,5.9999,0.18});
// we draw the initialization
auto base_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(parts,sz,domain,base_box);
while (base_it.isNext())
// ... add a particle ...
// ... and set it position ...
parts.getLastPos()[0] = base_it.get().get(0);
parts.getLastPos()[1] = base_it.get().get(1);
parts.getLastPos()[2] = base_it.get().get(2);
parts.getLastProp<tt>() = 1;
Box<3,double> wall_front({16.86,0.0,0.06},{16.98,5.9999,6.54});
// we draw the initialization
auto wall_f_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(parts,sz,domain,wall_front);
while (wall_f_it.isNext())
// ... add a particle ...
// ... and set it position ...
parts.getLastPos()[0] = wall_f_it.get().get(0);
parts.getLastPos()[1] = wall_f_it.get().get(1);
parts.getLastPos()[2] = wall_f_it.get().get(2);
parts.getLastProp<tt>() = 1;
Box<3,double> wall_back({0.06,0.0,0.06},{0.18,5.9999,6.54});
// we draw the initialization
auto wall_b_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(parts,sz,domain,wall_back);
while (wall_b_it.isNext())
// ... add a particle ...
// ... and set it position ...
parts.getLastPos()[0] = wall_b_it.get().get(0);
parts.getLastPos()[1] = wall_b_it.get().get(1);
parts.getLastPos()[2] = wall_b_it.get().get(2);
parts.getLastProp<tt>() = 1;
static PointIterator< dim, T, typename vd_type::Decomposition_type > DrawBox(vd_type &vd, size_t(&sz)[dim], Box< dim, T > &domain, Box< dim, T > &sub)
Draw particles in a box.

DEM Loop

The DEM Loop is composition of the previous steps

1) integration of the force and calculated force momenta

// Update
while (pit.isNext())
auto p = pit.get();
if (parts.getProp<tt>(p) == 1) {++pit;continue;}
parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[0] = parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[0] + parts.getProp<force>(p)[0]*dt;
parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[1] = parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[1] + parts.getProp<force>(p)[1]*dt;
parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[2] = parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[2] + parts.getProp<force>(p)[2]*dt;
double norm2 = parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[0]*parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[0] +
parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[1]*parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[1] +
if (max_vel < norm2)
{max_vel = norm2;}
parts.getPos(p)[0] = parts.getPos(p)[0] + parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[0]*dt;
parts.getPos(p)[1] = parts.getPos(p)[1] + parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[1]*dt;
parts.getPos(p)[2] = parts.getPos(p)[2] + parts.getProp<velocity>(p)[2]*dt;
if (parts.getPos(p)[0] < domain.getLow(0) || parts.getPos(p)[0] > domain.getHigh(0) ||
parts.getPos(p)[2] < domain.getLow(2) || parts.getPos(p)[2] > domain.getHigh(2) )
{parts.getProp<tt>(p) = 1;}
parts.getProp<omega>(p)[0] = parts.getProp<omega>(p)[0] + parts.getProp<tau>(p)[0]/Im*dt;
parts.getProp<omega>(p)[1] = parts.getProp<omega>(p)[1] + parts.getProp<tau>(p)[1]/Im*dt;
parts.getProp<omega>(p)[2] = parts.getProp<omega>(p)[2] + parts.getProp<tau>(p)[2]/Im*dt;
tot_sp += sqrt(max_vel)*dt;
void execute()
Execute all the requests.
void max(T &num)
Get the maximum number across all processors (or reduction with infinity norm)

2) Update neighborhood data-structure if needed and dynamic load balance

if (tot_sp >= skin / 2.0)
// Check if it is time to rebalance
if (cnt_reb >= 200)
if (v_cl.rank() == 0)
{std::cout << "Redecomposing" << std::endl;}
cnt_reb = 0;
if (v_cl.rank() == 0)
{std::cout << "Reconstruct Verlet" << std::endl;}
tot_sp = 0.0;
size_t rank()
Get the process unit id.
Linear model.
Definition LB_Model.hpp:48
Definition ids.hpp:149

3) Calculate forces and momenta

auto pit2 = parts.getDomainIterator();
while (pit2.isNext())
auto p = pit2.get();
Point<3,double> xp = parts.getPos(p);
Point<3,double> v_p = parts.getProp<velocity>(p);
Point<3,double> omega_p = parts.getProp<omega>(p);
if (parts.getProp<tt>(p) == 1) {++pit2;continue;}
Point<3,double> dF_n({0.0,0.0,0.0});
Point<3,double> dF_t({0.0,0.0,0.0});
Point<3,double> dTau({0.0,0.0,0.0});
int contact_ok[max_contacts];
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_contacts ; i++) {contact_ok[i] = 0;}
auto NN = nlist.getNNIterator(p.getKey());
while (NN.isNext())
auto q = NN.get();
if (q == p.getKey()) {++NN;continue;}
Point<3,double> xq = parts.getPos(q);
Point<3,double> v_q = parts.getProp<velocity>(q);
Point<3,double> omega_q = parts.getProp<omega>(q);
Point<3,double> r_pq = xp - xq;
double r_s_pq2 = norm2(r_pq);
// Norm is not defined, next particle
if (r_s_pq2 == 0)
double delta_ij = 2.0*R - sqrt(r_s_pq2);
if (delta_ij < 0.0) {++NN;continue;}
size_t cnt_end = parts.getProp<ncp>(p);
int this_contact = cnt_end;
for (size_t k = 0 ; k < cnt_end ; k++)
if (parts.getProp<cpi>(p)[k] == parts.getProp<gid>(q))
this_contact = k;
int cidx;
if (this_contact == cnt_end)
parts.getProp<ncp>(p) += 1;
this_contact = parts.getProp<ncp>(p) - 1;
cidx = 3 * this_contact;
if (this_contact >= max_contacts)
{std::cout << "Error reached maximum nunber of contacts points" << std::endl;}
parts.getProp<cpi>(p)[this_contact] = parts.getProp<gid>(q);
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx] = 0.0;
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 1] = 0.0;
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 2] = 0.0;
cidx = 3 * this_contact;
Point<3,double> n_ij = r_pq / sqrt(r_s_pq2);
Point<3,double> v_rel = v_p - v_q;
Point<3,double> v_nij = (v_rel * n_ij) * n_ij;
Point<3,double> v_omega = (omega_p + omega_q)*R;
Point<3,double> v_cross;
v_cross.get(0) = v_omega.get(1) * n_ij.get(2) - v_omega.get(2) * n_ij.get(1);
v_cross.get(1) = v_omega.get(2) * n_ij.get(0) - v_omega.get(0) * n_ij.get(2);
v_cross.get(2) = v_omega.get(0) * n_ij.get(1) - v_omega.get(1) * n_ij.get(0);
Point<3,double> v_tij = v_rel - v_nij - v_cross;
Point<3,double> v_dtij = dt * v_tij;
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx] += v_dtij.get(0);
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 1] += v_dtij.get(1);
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 2] += v_dtij.get(2);
u_ij.get(0) = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx];
u_ij.get(1) = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 1];
u_ij.get(2) = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx + 2];
Point<3,double> F_nij = sqrt(delta_ij/2/R) * (k_n*delta_ij*n_ij - gamma_n*m_eff*v_nij);
dF_n = dF_n + F_nij;
Point<3,double> F_tij = sqrt(delta_ij/2/R) * (-k_t*u_ij - gamma_t*m_eff*v_tij);
double F_tij_sq = norm2(F_tij);
double F_nij_sq = mu * mu * norm2(F_nij);
if (F_tij_sq > F_nij_sq)
F_tij = F_tij * (F_nij_sq / F_tij_sq);
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx] = -1.0 / k_t * (F_tij.get(0) * sqrt(2*R/delta_ij) + gamma_t*m_eff*v_tij.get(0));
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx+1] = -1.0 / k_t * (F_tij.get(1) * sqrt(2*R/delta_ij) + gamma_t*m_eff*v_tij.get(1));
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[cidx+2] = -1.0 / k_t * (F_tij.get(2) * sqrt(2*R/delta_ij) + gamma_t*m_eff*v_tij.get(2));
dF_t = dF_t + F_tij;
dTau.get(0) = dTau.get(0) - R * (n_ij.get(1) * F_tij.get(2) - n_ij.get(2) * F_tij.get(1));
dTau.get(1) = dTau.get(1) - R * (n_ij.get(2) * F_tij.get(0) - n_ij.get(0) * F_tij.get(2));
dTau.get(2) = dTau.get(2) - R * (n_ij.get(0) * F_tij.get(1) - n_ij.get(1) * F_tij.get(0));
contact_ok[this_contact] = 1;
int cnt_end = parts.getProp<ncp>(p);
int i = 0;
for (int iread = 0; iread < cnt_end ; iread++)
if (contact_ok[iread] == 1)
i = i + 1;
int j = 3*(i - 1);
int k = 3*iread;
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[j] = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[k];
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[j+1] = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[k+1];
parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[j+2] = parts.getProp<cpd>(p)[k+2];
parts.getProp<ncp>(p) = i;
if (parts.getProp<tt>(p) == 0)
parts.getProp<force>(p).get(0) = m * 4.905 + dF_n.get(0) + dF_t.get(0);
parts.getProp<force>(p).get(1) = 0.0 + dF_n.get(1) + dF_t.get(1);
parts.getProp<force>(p).get(2) = m * -8.49570921 + dF_n.get(2) + dF_t.get(2);
parts.getProp<tau>(p) = dTau;
if (parts.getProp<tt>(p) == 1)
parts.getProp<force>(p) = 0;
parts.getProp<tau>(p) = 0;
This class implement the point shape in an N-dimensional space.
Definition Point.hpp:28
__device__ __host__ const T & get(unsigned int i) const
Get coordinate.
Definition Point.hpp:172

The discrete element loop follow the the step described above.