HDF5 Save and load
This example show how to save and load a vector in the parallel format HDF5.
In order to use distributed vectors in our code we have to include the file Vector/vector_dist.hpp
#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
Here we
- Initialize the library
- we create a Box that define our domain
- An array that define our boundary conditions
- A Ghost object that will define the extension of the ghost part in physical units
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Vector instantiation
Here we are creating a distributed vector defined by the following parameters
- 3 is the Dimensionality of the space where the objects live
- float is the type used for the spatial coordinate of the particles
- the information stored by each particle float[3],float[3],float[3],float[3],float[3]. The list of properties must be put into an aggregate data structure aggregate<prop1,prop2,prop3, ... >
vd is the instantiation of the object
The Constructor instead require:
- Number of particles, 4096 in this case
- Domain where is defined this structure
- bc boundary conditions
- g Ghost
Assign position
Get an iterator that go through the 4096 particles. Initially all the particles has an undefined position state. In this cycle we define its position. In this example we use iterators. Iterators are convenient way to explore/iterate data-structures in an convenient and easy way
auto it = vd.getDomainIterator();
while (it.isNext())
auto key = it.get();
vd.getPos(key)[0] = 22.0*((float)rand() / RAND_MAX);
vd.getPos(key)[1] = 5.0*((float)rand() / RAND_MAX);
vd.getPos(key)[1] = 5.0*((float)rand() / RAND_MAX);
Mapping particles
On a parallel program, once we define the position, we distribute the particles according to the underlying space decomposition The default decomposition is created even before assigning the position to the object, and is calculated giving to each processor an equal portion of space minimizing the surface to reduce communication.
Assign values to particles property
We Iterate across all the particles, we assign some value to all the particles properties. Each particle has a scalar, vector and tensor property.
it = vd.getDomainIterator();
while (it.isNext())
auto p = it.get();
vd.template getProp<0>(p)[0] = 1.0;
vd.template getProp<0>(p)[1] = 1.0;
vd.template getProp<0>(p)[2] = 1.0;
vd.template getProp<1>(p)[0] = 2.0;
vd.template getProp<1>(p)[1] = 2.0;
vd.template getProp<1>(p)[2] = 2.0;
vd.template getProp<2>(p)[0] = 3.0;
vd.template getProp<2>(p)[1] = 3.0;
vd.template getProp<2>(p)[2] = 3.0;
vd.template getProp<3>(p)[0] = 4.0;
vd.template getProp<3>(p)[1] = 4.0;
vd.template getProp<3>(p)[2] = 4.0;
vd.template getProp<4>(p)[0] = 5.0;
vd.template getProp<4>(p)[1] = 5.0;
vd.template getProp<4>(p)[2] = 5.0;
Parallel IO save
To save the file we use the function save. The system save all the information about the particles in the file (positions and all the properties, even complex properties)
- See also
- Vector 4 complex properties
It is good to notice that independently from the number of processor this function produce only one file.
- Note
- The saved file can be used for checkpoint-restart. the status of the particles or the application in general can be saved periodically and can be used later-on to restart from the latest save
Parallel IO load
To load the file we use the function load. The system load all the information about the particles (position and all the properties, even complex)
- See also
- Vector 4 complex properties
It is good to notice that this function work independently from the number of processors used to save the file
- Warning
- Despite the fact that the function works for any number of processors the domain parameter, the dimensionality, the space type and the properties of the particles must match the saved one. At the moment there is not check or control, so in case the parameters does not match the load will produce error or corrupted data.
Process loaded data
Because the function load works independently from the number of processors the file created with save can be used also to post-process the saved data. Once loaded the particles on the distributed vector vd2 we can use vd2 to post-process the data. In this case we calculate the magnitude of the property 0 and we write it to a vtk file.
auto it2 = vd2.getDomainIterator();
while (it2.isNext())
auto p = it2.get();
float magn_vort = sqrt(vd2.getProp<0>(p)[0]*vd2.getProp<0>(p)[0] +
vd2.getProp<0>(p)[1]*vd2.getProp<0>(p)[1] +
if (magn_vort < 0.1)
vd3.getLastPos()[0] = vd2.getPos(p)[0];
vd3.getLastPos()[1] = vd2.getPos(p)[1];
vd3.getLastPos()[2] = vd2.getPos(p)[2];
vd3.template getLastProp<0>() = magn_vort;
vd3.write("output", VTK_WRITER | FORMAT_BINARY );
At the very end of the program we have always de-initialize the library