OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
2// Created by tommaso on 21/03/19.
7#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
8#include <Space/Shape/Point.hpp>
9#include <DCPSE/MonomialBasis.hpp>
13 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Monomial_3D_test)
14 {
15 // Testing constructor from a Point
16 Point<3, unsigned int> p({1, 2, 3});
17 Monomial<3> mbe(p);
18 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe.order(), 6);
19 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe.getExponent(0), 1);
20 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe.getExponent(1), 2);
21 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe.getExponent(2), 3);
23 // Testing copy constructor
24 Monomial<3> mbe2(mbe);
25 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe2.order(), 6);
26 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe2.getExponent(0), 1);
27 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe2.getExponent(1), 2);
28 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe2.getExponent(2), 3);
30 // Testing copy assignment operator
31 Monomial<3> mbe3;
32 mbe3 = mbe;
33 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe3.order(), 6);
34 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe3.getExponent(0), 1);
35 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe3.getExponent(1), 2);
36 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe3.getExponent(2), 3);
38 // Testing default constructor
39 Monomial<3> mbe0;
40 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.order(), 0);
41 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(0), 0);
42 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(1), 0);
43 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(2), 0);
45 // Testing one-by-one set values
46 mbe0.setExponent(0, 5);
47 mbe0.setExponent(1, 5);
48 mbe0.setExponent(2, 5);
49 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.order(), 15);
50 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(0), 5);
51 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(1), 5);
52 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mbe0.getExponent(2), 5);
53 }
55 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Monomial_evaluate_test)
56 {
57 // Test with uniform exponent and different coordinates
58 {
59 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({1, 1, 1}));
60 double res = monomial.evaluate(Point<3, double>({5, 3, 2}));
61 double expected = 5 * 3 * 2;
62 BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(res, expected, 1e-6);
63 }
64 // Test with different exponents and uniform coordinates
65 {
66 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({5, 3, 2}));
67 double res = monomial.evaluate(Point<3, double>({2, 2, 2}));
68 double expected = pow(2,5) * pow(2,3) * pow(2,2);
69 BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(res, expected, 1e-6);
70 }
71 }
73 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(Monomial_derivative_test)
74 {
75 // Test differentiation along 3 dimensions independently
76 {
77 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
78 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({3, 0, 0}));
79 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({3, 6, 6}), 6*5*4);
80 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
81 }
82 {
83 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
84 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({0, 3, 0}));
85 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 3, 6}), 6*5*4);
86 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
87 }
88 {
89 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
90 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({0, 0, 3}));
91 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 3}), 6*5*4);
92 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
93 }
94 // Test for correctly differentiating beyond degree
95 {
96 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
97 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({7, 0, 0}));
98 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({0, 6, 6}), 0);
99 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
100 }
101 {
102 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
103 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({0, 7, 0}));
104 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 0, 6}), 0);
105 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
106 }
107 {
108 Monomial<3> monomial(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 6}));
109 Monomial<3> derivative = monomial.getDerivative(Point<3, double>({0, 0, 7}));
110 Monomial<3> expected(Point<3, unsigned int>({6, 6, 0}), 0);
111 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(derivative, expected);
112 }
113 }
115 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(MonomialBasis_2D_test)
116 {
117 {
118 MonomialBasis<2> mb({1, 0}, 2);
120 // Check that the basis contains all the elements it is supposed to contain
121 std::vector<Monomial<2>> control;
122 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 0}));
123 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({1, 0}));
124 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 1}));
125 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({1, 1}));
126 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({2, 0}));
127 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 2}));
129 auto first = mb.getElements().begin();
130 auto last = mb.getElements().end();
131 int foundElements = 0;
132 for (const auto &item : control)
133 {
134 auto pos = std::find(first, last, item);
135 foundElements += (pos != last);
136 }
137 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(foundElements, control.size());
138 }
139 {
140 MonomialBasis<2> mb({1, 1}, 2);
141// std::cout << mb << std::endl;
142// std::cout << mb.size() << std::endl;
144 // Check that the basis contains all the elements it is supposed to contain
145 std::vector<Monomial<2>> control;
146 //control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 0}));
147 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({1, 0}));
148 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 1}));
149 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({1, 1}));
150 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({2, 0}));
151 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 2}));
152 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({2, 1}));
153 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({1, 2}));
154 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({3, 0}));
155 control.emplace_back(Point<2, unsigned int>({0, 3}));
157 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(mb.size(), control.size());
159 auto first = mb.getElements().begin();
160 auto last = mb.getElements().end();
161 int foundElements = 0;
162 for (const auto &item : control)
163 {
164 auto pos = std::find(first, last, item);
165 foundElements += (pos != last);
166 }
167 BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(foundElements, control.size());
168 }
169 }
This class implement the point shape in an N-dimensional space.
Definition Point.hpp:28