OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
diffusion_porous_media 3D

Simulate inhomogeneous diffusion in a CaCO\f$_3\f$ particle packed bed

In this example, we simulate inhomogeneous diffusion in the fluid phase of a CaCO \(_3\) particle packed bed. For the complete image-based simulation pipeline and performance of this simulation, we refer to J. Stark, I. F. Sbalzarini "An open-source pipeline for solving continuous reaction-diffusion models in image-based geometries of porous media", Journal of Computational Science (2023).

The geometry of the fluid phase is reconstructed based on $\upmu$CT images provided by kindly provided by Prof. Jörg Petrasch (Michigan State University, College of Engineering) (see: S. Haussener et al., “Tomographic characterization of a semitransparent-particle packed bed and determination of its thermal radiative properties”. In: Journal of Heat Transfer 131.7 (2009)).

For image based reconstruction and redistancing, see Images 3D.


We start with inluding header files, setting some paths and indices:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "CSVReader/CSVReader.hpp"
// Include redistancing files
#include "RemoveLines.hpp" // For removing thin (diagonal or straight) lines
#include "level_set/redistancing_Sussman/AnalyticalSDF.hpp"
#include "FiniteDifference/FD_simple.hpp"
#include "Decomposition/Distribution/BoxDistribution.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
// Help functions for simulating diffusion in the image-based geometry
#include "include/DiffusionSpace_sparseGrid.hpp"
#include "include/HelpFunctions_diffusion.hpp"
// input
const std::string path_to_redistancing_result =
const std::string redistancing_filename = "grid_CaCO3_post_redistancing.hdf5";
const std::string path_to_size = path_to_redistancing_result;
// output
const std::string output_name = "output_inhomogDiffusion_CaCO3_fluid_phase";
// Property indices full grid
const size_t PHI_FULL = 0;
const openfpm::vector<std::string> prop_names_full = {"Phi_Sussman_Out"};
// Property indices sparse grid
const size_t PHI_PHASE = 0;
const size_t CONC_N = 1;
const size_t CONC_NPLUS1 = 2;
const openfpm::vector<std::string> prop_names_sparse = {"PHI_PHASE",
// Space indices
constexpr size_t x = 0, y = 1, z = 2;
// Parameters for grid size
const size_t dims = 3;
Header file containing help-functions that perform on OpenFPM-grids.
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Initialization and output folder

We start with

  • Initializing OpenFPM
  • Setting the output path and creating an output folder
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Initialize library.
openfpm_init(&argc, &argv);
auto & v_cl = create_vcluster();
timer t_total;
timer t_iterative_diffusion_total;
timer t_iteration_wct;
timer t_GPU;
// Set current working directory, define output paths and create folders where output will be saved
std::string cwd = get_cwd();
const std::string path_output = cwd + "/" + output_name + "/";
if(v_cl.rank()==0) std::cout << "Redistancing result will be loaded from " << path_to_redistancing_result << redistancing_filename << std::endl;
if(v_cl.rank()==0) std::cout << "Outputs will be saved to " << path_output << std::endl;
static void create_directory_if_not_exist(std::string path, bool silent=0)
Creates a directory if not already existent.
static std::string get_cwd()
Gets the current working directory and returns path as string.
Class for cpu time benchmarking.
Definition timer.hpp:28
void start()
Start the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:90

Create a dense grid and load redistancing result

// Create full grid and load redistancing result
// Read size of sussman redistancing output grid from csv files
size_t m, n;
read_csv_to_vector(path_to_size + "/N.csv", v_sz, m, n);
read_csv_to_vector(path_to_size + "/L.csv", v_L, m, n);
const float Lx_low = 0.0;
const float Lx_up = v_L.get(x);
const float Ly_low = 0.0;
const float Ly_up = v_L.get(y);
const float Lz_low = 0.0;
const float Lz_up = v_L.get(z);
size_t sz[dims] = {v_sz.get(x), v_sz.get(y), v_sz.get(z)};
Box<dims, float> box({Lx_low, Ly_low, Lz_low}, {Lx_up, Ly_up, Lz_up});
// Defining the decomposition and the input grid type
grid_in_type g_dist(sz, box, ghost);
g_dist.load(path_to_redistancing_result + "/" + redistancing_filename); // Load SDF
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Definition Box.hpp:61
This class decompose a space into sub-sub-domains and distribute them across processors.
This is a distributed grid.

Create a sparse grid of fluid phase

Obtain sparse grid by placing grid points inside the fluid phase only using the signed distance function

// Get sparse grid of diffusion domain
// Create sparse grid
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " starts creating sparse grid." << std::endl;
typedef sgrid_dist_id_gpu<dims, float, props_sparse, CudaMemory, Dec> sparse_grid_type;
sparse_grid_type g_sparse(sz, box, ghost);
// Lower and upper bound for SDF indicating fluid phase
const float d_low = 0.0, d_up = Lx_up;
// Alternatively: load sparse grid of diffusion domain from HDF5 file
// g_sparse.load(path_to_redistancing_result + "/" + redistancing_filename);
// Obtain sparse grid
get_diffusion_domain_sparse_grid<PHI_FULL, PHI_PHASE>(g_dist, g_sparse, d_low, d_up);
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " finished creating sparse grid." << std::endl;


Defining the inhomogeneous diffusion coefficient

The inhomogeneous diffusion coefficient is smoothed around the interface by a sigmoidal function that depends on the signed distance function

// Initialize properties on sparse grid
// Diffusion coefficient
const float min_porosity = 0.0;
const float max_porosity = 1.0;
float D_molecular = 1.0;
float D_min = D_molecular * min_porosity;
float D_max = D_molecular * max_porosity;
float min_sdf_calcite = get_min_val<PHI_PHASE>(g_sparse);
float x_stretch = 4.0 * g_sparse.spacing(x);
float x_shift = min_sdf_calcite * x_stretch;
float y_min = D_min;
float y_max = D_max - D_min;
const float c0 = 10.0;
auto dom = g_sparse.getDomainIterator();
auto key = dom.get();
Point<dims, float> coords = g_sparse.getPos(key);
if(coords.get(x) <= 0.05 * Lx_up)
g_sparse.template insertFlush<CONC_N>(key) = c0;
else g_sparse.template insertFlush<CONC_N>(key) = 0.0;
// Compute diffusion coefficient and store on grid
g_sparse.template insertFlush<DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT>(key) =
g_sparse.template getProp<PHI_PHASE>(key) - min_sdf_calcite,
This class implement the point shape in an N-dimensional space.
Definition Point.hpp:28
__device__ __host__ const T & get(unsigned int i) const
Get coordinate.
Definition Point.hpp:172

Defining the functor for the inhomogeneous diffusion

The functor contains the forward time central space discretization of the inhomogeneous diffusion equation. The stencil size is 1. It will be passed to the GPU and convolved with the sparse grid.

// Defining the functor that will be passed to the GPU to simulate reaction-diffusion
// GetCpBlockType<typename SGridGpu, unsigned int prp, unsigned int stencil_size>
typedef typename GetCpBlockType<decltype(g_sparse),0,1>::type CpBlockType;
const float dx = g_sparse.spacing(x), dy = g_sparse.spacing(y), dz = g_sparse.spacing(z);
// Stability criterion for FTCS
const float dt = diffusion_time_step(g_sparse, D_max);
std::cout << "dx = " << dx << "dy = " << dy << "dz = " << dz << std::endl;
std::cout << "dt = " << dt << std::endl;
auto func_inhomogDiffusion = [dx, dy, dz, dt, d_low] __device__ (
float & u_out, // concentration output
float & D_out, // diffusion coefficient output (dummy)
float & phi_out, // sdf of domain output (dummy)
CpBlockType & u, // concentration input
CpBlockType & D, // diffusion coefficient input (to get also the half step diffusion coefficients)
CpBlockType & phi, // sdf of domain (for boundary conditions)
auto & block,
int offset,
int i,
int j,
int k
// Stencil
// Concentration
float u_c = u(i, j, k);
float u_px = u(i+1, j, k);
float u_mx = u(i-1, j, k);
float u_py = u(i, j+1, k);
float u_my = u(i, j-1, k);
float u_pz = u(i, j, k+1);
float u_mz = u(i, j, k-1);
// Signed distance function
float phi_c = phi(i, j, k);
float phi_px = phi(i+1, j, k);
float phi_mx = phi(i-1, j, k);
float phi_py = phi(i, j+1, k);
float phi_my = phi(i, j-1, k);
float phi_pz = phi(i, j, k+1);
float phi_mz = phi(i, j, k-1);
// Diffusion coefficient
float D_c = D(i, j, k);
float D_px = D(i+1, j, k);
float D_mx = D(i-1, j, k);
float D_py = D(i, j+1, k);
float D_my = D(i, j-1, k);
float D_pz = D(i, j, k+1);
float D_mz = D(i, j, k-1);
// Impose no-flux boundary conditions
if (phi_px <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_px = u_c; D_px = D_c;}
if (phi_mx <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_mx = u_c; D_mx = D_c;}
if (phi_py <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_py = u_c; D_py = D_c;}
if (phi_my <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_my = u_c; D_my = D_c;}
if (phi_pz <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_pz = u_c; D_pz = D_c;}
if (phi_mz <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_mz = u_c; D_mz = D_c;}
// Interpolate diffusion constant of half-step neighboring points
float D_half_px = (D_c + D_px)/2.0;
float D_half_mx = (D_c + D_mx)/2.0;
float D_half_py = (D_c + D_py)/2.0;
float D_half_my = (D_c + D_my)/2.0;
float D_half_pz = (D_c + D_pz)/2.0;
float D_half_mz = (D_c + D_mz)/2.0;
// Compute concentration of next time point
u_out = u_c + dt *
(1/(dx*dx) * (D_half_px * (u_px - u_c) - D_half_mx * (u_c - u_mx)) +
1/(dy*dy) * (D_half_py * (u_py - u_c) - D_half_my * (u_c - u_my)) +
1/(dz*dz) * (D_half_pz * (u_pz - u_c) - D_half_mz * (u_c - u_mz)));
// dummy outs
D_out = D_c;
phi_out = phi_c;
Derivative second order on h (spacing)
get the type of the block

Run inhomogeneous diffusion

// Create text file to which wall clock time for iteration incl. ghost communication will be saved
std::string path_time_filewct = path_output + "/time_wct_incl_ghostCommunication" + std::to_string(v_cl.rank()) + ".txt";
std::ofstream out_wct_file(path_time_filewct, std::ios_base::app);
// Create text file to which GPU time will be saved
std::string path_time_filegpu = path_output + "/time_GPU" + std::to_string(v_cl.rank()) + ".txt";
std::ofstream out_GPUtime_file(path_time_filegpu, std::ios_base::app);
// Iterative diffusion
const size_t iterations = 103;
const size_t number_write_outs = 10;
const size_t interval_write = iterations / number_write_outs; // Find interval for writing to reach
size_t iter = 0;
float t = 0;
// Copy from host to GPU for simulation
g_sparse.template hostToDevice<CONC_N, CONC_NPLUS1, DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT, PHI_PHASE>();
while(iter <= iterations)
if (iter % 2 == 0)
g_sparse.template ghost_get<CONC_N>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
g_sparse.template conv3_b<
({0, 0, 0},
{(long int) sz[x]-1, (long int) sz[y]-1, (long int) sz[z]-1},
// Write out time to text-file
out_wct_file << t_iteration_wct.getwct() << ",";
out_GPUtime_file << t_GPU.getwctGPU() << ",";
g_sparse.template ghost_get<CONC_NPLUS1>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
g_sparse.template conv3_b<
({0, 0, 0},
{(long int) sz[x]-1, (long int) sz[y]-1, (long int) sz[z]-1},
// Write out time to text-file
out_wct_file << t_iteration_wct.getwct() << ",";
out_GPUtime_file << t_GPU.getwctGPU() << ",";
if (iter % interval_write == 0)
// Copy from GPU to host for writing
g_sparse.template deviceToHost<CONC_N, CONC_NPLUS1, DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT, PHI_PHASE>();
// Write g_sparse to vtk
g_sparse.write_frame(path_output + "g_sparse_diffuse", iter, FORMAT_BINARY);
// Write g_sparse to hdf5 + "g_sparse_diffuse_" + std::to_string(iter) + ".hdf5");
if (iter % 2 == 0)
monitor_total_concentration<CONC_N>(g_sparse, t, iter, path_output,"total_conc.csv");
monitor_total_concentration<CONC_NPLUS1>(g_sparse, t, iter, path_output,"total_conc.csv");
t += dt;
iter += 1;
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " total time for the whole programm : " << t_total.getwct() << std::endl;
void stop()
Stop the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:119
double getwct()
Return the elapsed real time.
Definition timer.hpp:130
KeyT const ValueT ValueT OffsetIteratorT OffsetIteratorT int
[in] The number of segments that comprise the sorting data


We end with terminating OpenFPM.

openfpm_finalize(); // Finalize openFPM library
return 0;

Full code

// Created by jstark on 2023-04-24.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "CSVReader/CSVReader.hpp"
// Include redistancing files
#include "RemoveLines.hpp" // For removing thin (diagonal or straight) lines
#include "level_set/redistancing_Sussman/AnalyticalSDF.hpp"
#include "FiniteDifference/FD_simple.hpp"
#include "Decomposition/Distribution/BoxDistribution.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
// Help functions for simulating diffusion in the image-based geometry
#include "include/DiffusionSpace_sparseGrid.hpp"
#include "include/HelpFunctions_diffusion.hpp"
// input
const std::string path_to_redistancing_result =
const std::string redistancing_filename = "grid_CaCO3_post_redistancing.hdf5";
const std::string path_to_size = path_to_redistancing_result;
// output
const std::string output_name = "output_inhomogDiffusion_CaCO3_fluid_phase";
// Property indices full grid
const size_t PHI_FULL = 0;
const openfpm::vector<std::string> prop_names_full = {"Phi_Sussman_Out"};
// Property indices sparse grid
const size_t PHI_PHASE = 0;
const size_t CONC_N = 1;
const size_t CONC_NPLUS1 = 2;
const openfpm::vector<std::string> prop_names_sparse = {"PHI_PHASE",
// Space indices
constexpr size_t x = 0, y = 1, z = 2;
// Parameters for grid size
const size_t dims = 3;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Initialize library.
openfpm_init(&argc, &argv);
auto & v_cl = create_vcluster();
timer t_total;
timer t_iterative_diffusion_total;
timer t_iteration_wct;
timer t_GPU;
// Set current working directory, define output paths and create folders where output will be saved
std::string cwd = get_cwd();
const std::string path_output = cwd + "/" + output_name + "/";
if(v_cl.rank()==0) std::cout << "Redistancing result will be loaded from " << path_to_redistancing_result << redistancing_filename << std::endl;
if(v_cl.rank()==0) std::cout << "Outputs will be saved to " << path_output << std::endl;
// Create full grid and load redistancing result
// Read size of sussman redistancing output grid from csv files
size_t m, n;
read_csv_to_vector(path_to_size + "/N.csv", v_sz, m, n);
read_csv_to_vector(path_to_size + "/L.csv", v_L, m, n);
const float Lx_low = 0.0;
const float Lx_up = v_L.get(x);
const float Ly_low = 0.0;
const float Ly_up = v_L.get(y);
const float Lz_low = 0.0;
const float Lz_up = v_L.get(z);
size_t sz[dims] = {v_sz.get(x), v_sz.get(y), v_sz.get(z)};
Box<dims, float> box({Lx_low, Ly_low, Lz_low}, {Lx_up, Ly_up, Lz_up});
// Defining the decomposition and the input grid type
grid_in_type g_dist(sz, box, ghost);
g_dist.load(path_to_redistancing_result + "/" + redistancing_filename); // Load SDF
// Get sparse grid of diffusion domain
// Create sparse grid
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " starts creating sparse grid." << std::endl;
typedef sgrid_dist_id_gpu<dims, float, props_sparse, CudaMemory, Dec> sparse_grid_type;
sparse_grid_type g_sparse(sz, box, ghost);
// Lower and upper bound for SDF indicating fluid phase
const float d_low = 0.0, d_up = Lx_up;
// Alternatively: load sparse grid of diffusion domain from HDF5 file
// g_sparse.load(path_to_redistancing_result + "/" + redistancing_filename);
// Obtain sparse grid
get_diffusion_domain_sparse_grid<PHI_FULL, PHI_PHASE>(g_dist, g_sparse, d_low, d_up);
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " finished creating sparse grid." << std::endl;
// Initialize properties on sparse grid
// Diffusion coefficient
const float min_porosity = 0.0;
const float max_porosity = 1.0;
float D_molecular = 1.0;
float D_min = D_molecular * min_porosity;
float D_max = D_molecular * max_porosity;
float min_sdf_calcite = get_min_val<PHI_PHASE>(g_sparse);
float x_stretch = 4.0 * g_sparse.spacing(x);
float x_shift = min_sdf_calcite * x_stretch;
float y_min = D_min;
float y_max = D_max - D_min;
const float c0 = 10.0;
auto dom = g_sparse.getDomainIterator();
auto key = dom.get();
Point<dims, float> coords = g_sparse.getPos(key);
if(coords.get(x) <= 0.05 * Lx_up)
g_sparse.template insertFlush<CONC_N>(key) = c0;
else g_sparse.template insertFlush<CONC_N>(key) = 0.0;
// Compute diffusion coefficient and store on grid
g_sparse.template insertFlush<DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT>(key) =
g_sparse.template getProp<PHI_PHASE>(key) - min_sdf_calcite,
// Defining the functor that will be passed to the GPU to simulate reaction-diffusion
// GetCpBlockType<typename SGridGpu, unsigned int prp, unsigned int stencil_size>
typedef typename GetCpBlockType<decltype(g_sparse),0,1>::type CpBlockType;
const float dx = g_sparse.spacing(x), dy = g_sparse.spacing(y), dz = g_sparse.spacing(z);
// Stability criterion for FTCS
const float dt = diffusion_time_step(g_sparse, D_max);
std::cout << "dx = " << dx << "dy = " << dy << "dz = " << dz << std::endl;
std::cout << "dt = " << dt << std::endl;
auto func_inhomogDiffusion = [dx, dy, dz, dt, d_low] __device__ (
float & u_out, // concentration output
float & D_out, // diffusion coefficient output (dummy)
float & phi_out, // sdf of domain output (dummy)
CpBlockType & u, // concentration input
CpBlockType & D, // diffusion coefficient input (to get also the half step diffusion coefficients)
CpBlockType & phi, // sdf of domain (for boundary conditions)
auto & block,
int offset,
int i,
int j,
int k
// Stencil
// Concentration
float u_c = u(i, j, k);
float u_px = u(i+1, j, k);
float u_mx = u(i-1, j, k);
float u_py = u(i, j+1, k);
float u_my = u(i, j-1, k);
float u_pz = u(i, j, k+1);
float u_mz = u(i, j, k-1);
// Signed distance function
float phi_c = phi(i, j, k);
float phi_px = phi(i+1, j, k);
float phi_mx = phi(i-1, j, k);
float phi_py = phi(i, j+1, k);
float phi_my = phi(i, j-1, k);
float phi_pz = phi(i, j, k+1);
float phi_mz = phi(i, j, k-1);
// Diffusion coefficient
float D_c = D(i, j, k);
float D_px = D(i+1, j, k);
float D_mx = D(i-1, j, k);
float D_py = D(i, j+1, k);
float D_my = D(i, j-1, k);
float D_pz = D(i, j, k+1);
float D_mz = D(i, j, k-1);
// Impose no-flux boundary conditions
if (phi_px <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_px = u_c; D_px = D_c;}
if (phi_mx <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_mx = u_c; D_mx = D_c;}
if (phi_py <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_py = u_c; D_py = D_c;}
if (phi_my <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_my = u_c; D_my = D_c;}
if (phi_pz <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_pz = u_c; D_pz = D_c;}
if (phi_mz <= d_low + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {u_mz = u_c; D_mz = D_c;}
// Interpolate diffusion constant of half-step neighboring points
float D_half_px = (D_c + D_px)/2.0;
float D_half_mx = (D_c + D_mx)/2.0;
float D_half_py = (D_c + D_py)/2.0;
float D_half_my = (D_c + D_my)/2.0;
float D_half_pz = (D_c + D_pz)/2.0;
float D_half_mz = (D_c + D_mz)/2.0;
// Compute concentration of next time point
u_out = u_c + dt *
(1/(dx*dx) * (D_half_px * (u_px - u_c) - D_half_mx * (u_c - u_mx)) +
1/(dy*dy) * (D_half_py * (u_py - u_c) - D_half_my * (u_c - u_my)) +
1/(dz*dz) * (D_half_pz * (u_pz - u_c) - D_half_mz * (u_c - u_mz)));
// dummy outs
D_out = D_c;
phi_out = phi_c;
// Create text file to which wall clock time for iteration incl. ghost communication will be saved
std::string path_time_filewct = path_output + "/time_wct_incl_ghostCommunication" + std::to_string(v_cl.rank()) + ".txt";
std::ofstream out_wct_file(path_time_filewct, std::ios_base::app);
// Create text file to which GPU time will be saved
std::string path_time_filegpu = path_output + "/time_GPU" + std::to_string(v_cl.rank()) + ".txt";
std::ofstream out_GPUtime_file(path_time_filegpu, std::ios_base::app);
// Iterative diffusion
const size_t iterations = 103;
const size_t number_write_outs = 10;
const size_t interval_write = iterations / number_write_outs; // Find interval for writing to reach
size_t iter = 0;
float t = 0;
// Copy from host to GPU for simulation
g_sparse.template hostToDevice<CONC_N, CONC_NPLUS1, DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT, PHI_PHASE>();
while(iter <= iterations)
if (iter % 2 == 0)
g_sparse.template ghost_get<CONC_N>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
g_sparse.template conv3_b<
({0, 0, 0},
{(long int) sz[x]-1, (long int) sz[y]-1, (long int) sz[z]-1},
// Write out time to text-file
out_wct_file << t_iteration_wct.getwct() << ",";
out_GPUtime_file << t_GPU.getwctGPU() << ",";
g_sparse.template ghost_get<CONC_NPLUS1>(RUN_ON_DEVICE | SKIP_LABELLING);
g_sparse.template conv3_b<
({0, 0, 0},
{(long int) sz[x]-1, (long int) sz[y]-1, (long int) sz[z]-1},
// Write out time to text-file
out_wct_file << t_iteration_wct.getwct() << ",";
out_GPUtime_file << t_GPU.getwctGPU() << ",";
if (iter % interval_write == 0)
// Copy from GPU to host for writing
g_sparse.template deviceToHost<CONC_N, CONC_NPLUS1, DIFFUSION_COEFFICIENT, PHI_PHASE>();
// Write g_sparse to vtk
g_sparse.write_frame(path_output + "g_sparse_diffuse", iter, FORMAT_BINARY);
// Write g_sparse to hdf5 + "g_sparse_diffuse_" + std::to_string(iter) + ".hdf5");
if (iter % 2 == 0)
monitor_total_concentration<CONC_N>(g_sparse, t, iter, path_output,"total_conc.csv");
monitor_total_concentration<CONC_NPLUS1>(g_sparse, t, iter, path_output,"total_conc.csv");
t += dt;
iter += 1;
std::cout << "Rank " << v_cl.rank() << " total time for the whole programm : " << t_total.getwct() << std::endl;
openfpm_finalize(); // Finalize openFPM library
return 0;