OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
2// Created by jstark on 12.07.21.
5//#define BOOST_TEST_MAIN // in only one cpp file
6#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
8// Include redistancing files
12// Include header files for testing
13#include "Draw/DrawSphere.hpp"
14#include "Draw/DrawDisk.hpp"
15#include "l_norms/LNorms.hpp"
19#if 0
20 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(RedistancingSussmanSinglePoint_1D_test)
21 {
23 // CFL dt in 1D for N=64 and c=1 is 0.000503905
24 const double EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
26 std::cout << "epsilon = " << EPSILON << std::endl;
27 const size_t grid_dim = 1;
28 // some indices
29 const size_t x = 0;
31 const size_t Phi_0_grid = 0;
32 const size_t SDF_sussman_grid = 1;
33 const size_t SDF_exact_grid = 2;
34 const size_t Error_grid = 3;
36 size_t N = 64;
37 double dt = 0.000503905;
38 double tf = 1e4 * dt;
39 dt *= 2.0;
40// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
41 int i = 0;
42 {
43 dt /= 2.0;
44 size_t max_iter = (size_t) std::round(tf / dt);
45 const size_t sz[grid_dim] = {N};
46 const double box_lower = -1.0;
47 const double box_upper = 1.0;
48 Box<grid_dim, double> box({box_lower}, {box_upper});
51 typedef grid_dist_id<grid_dim, double, props> grid_in_type;
52 grid_in_type g_dist(sz, box, ghost);
53 g_dist.setPropNames({"Phi_0", "SDF_sussman", "SDF_exact", "Relative error"});
55 // Now we initialize the grid with the indicator function and the analytical solution
56 auto dom = g_dist.getDomainIterator();
57 while(dom.isNext())
58 {
59 auto key = dom.get();
60 Point<grid_dim, double> coords = g_dist.getPos(key);
61 g_dist.template get<Phi_0_grid>(key) = sgn(coords.get(x));
62 g_dist.template get<SDF_exact_grid>(key) = coords.get(x);
63 ++dom;
64 }
66 g_dist.write("grid_1D_preRedistancing", FORMAT_BINARY); // Save the grid
68 Redist_options redist_options;
69// redist_options.min_iter = max_iter;
70// redist_options.max_iter = max_iter;
71 redist_options.order_space_op = 1;
72 redist_options.order_timestepper = 1;
73 // set both convergence criteria to false s.t. termination only when max_iterations reached
74 redist_options.convTolChange.check = true; // define here which of the convergence criteria above should
75 // be used. If both are true, termination only occurs when both are fulfilled or when iter > max_iter
76 redist_options.convTolChange.value = EPSILON;
78 redist_options.convTolResidual.check = false; // (default: false)
79 redist_options.interval_check_convergence = 100; // interval of #iterations at which
80 // convergence is checked (default: 100)
81 redist_options.width_NB_in_grid_points = 32; // width of narrow band in number of grid points. Must
82 // be at least 4, in order to have at least 2 grid points on each side of the interface. (default: 4)
83 redist_options.print_current_iterChangeResidual = true; // if true, prints out every current iteration + corresponding change from the previous iteration + residual from SDF (default: false)
84 redist_options.print_steadyState_iter = true; // if true, prints out the final iteration number when steady state was reached + final change + residual (default: true)
86 RedistancingSussman<grid_in_type> redist_obj(g_dist,
87 redist_options); // Instantiation of Sussman-redistancing class
88 redist_obj.set_user_time_step(dt);
89// std::cout << "CFL dt = " << redist_obj.get_time_step() << std::endl;
90 std::cout << "dt set to = " << dt << std::endl;
91 // Run the redistancing. in the <> brackets provide property-index where 1.) your initial Phi is stored and 2.) where the resulting SDF should be written to.
92 redist_obj.run_redistancing<Phi_0_grid, SDF_sussman_grid>();
94 // Compute the absolute error between analytical and numerical solution at each grid point
95 get_absolute_error<SDF_sussman_grid, SDF_exact_grid, Error_grid>(g_dist);
96 g_dist.write("grid_RKorder" + std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper) + "_i_" + std::to_string(i),
99// // Get narrow band: Place particles on interface (narrow band width e.g. 4 grid points on each side of the
100// // interface)
101// size_t bc[grid_dim] = {NON_PERIODIC};
102// typedef aggregate<double> props_nb;
103// typedef vector_dist<grid_dim, double, props_nb> vd_type;
104// Ghost<grid_dim, double> ghost_vd(0);
105// vd_type vd_narrow_band(0, box, bc, ghost_vd);
106// vd_narrow_band.setPropNames({"error"});
107// const size_t Error_vd = 0;
108// // Compute the L_2- and L_infinity-norm and save to file
109// size_t narrow_band_width = 64;
110// NarrowBand<grid_in_type> narrowBand_points(g_dist, narrow_band_width); // Instantiation of NarrowBand class
111// narrowBand_points.get_narrow_band_copy_specific_property<SDF_sussman_grid, Error_grid, Error_vd>(g_dist,
112// vd_narrow_band);
113// vd_narrow_band.write(
114// "vd_error_N" + std::to_string(N) + "_RKorder" + std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper),
117// // Compute the L_2- and L_infinity-norm and save to file
118// L_norms lNorms_vd;
119// lNorms_vd = get_l_norms_vector<Error_vd>(vd_narrow_band);
120// write_lnorms_to_file(dt, lNorms_vd, "l_norms_RKorder" + std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper),
121// "./");
123 }
124 }
126 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(RedistancingSussmanSinglePoint_2D_test)
127 {
128 // CFL dt for N=64 and c=1 is 0.00100781
129 const double EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
131 const size_t grid_dim = 2;
132 // some indices
133 const size_t x = 0;
134 const size_t y = 1;
136 const size_t Phi_0_grid = 0;
137 const size_t SDF_sussman_grid = 1;
138 const size_t SDF_exact_grid = 2;
139 const size_t Error_grid = 3;
141 size_t N = 64;
142 double dt = 0.00100781;
143 double tf = 1e4 * dt;
144 dt *= 2.0;
145// for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
146 {
147 dt /= 2.0;
148 size_t max_iter = (size_t) std::round(tf / dt);
149 const size_t sz[grid_dim] = {N, N};
150 const double radius = 1.0;
151 const double box_lower = 0.0;
152 const double box_upper = 4.0 * radius;
153 Box<grid_dim, double> box({box_lower, box_lower}, {box_upper, box_upper});
156 typedef grid_dist_id<grid_dim, double, props> grid_in_type;
157 grid_in_type g_dist(sz, box, ghost);
158 g_dist.setPropNames({"Phi_0", "SDF_sussman", "SDF_exact", "Relative error"});
160 const double center[grid_dim] = {0.5 * (box_upper + box_lower), 0.5 * (box_upper + box_lower)};
161 init_grid_with_disk<Phi_0_grid>(g_dist, radius, center[x], center[y]); // Initialize sphere onto grid
164// for (int order=1; order<=5; order+=2)
165 {
166 Redist_options redist_options;
167 redist_options.min_iter = max_iter;
168 redist_options.max_iter = max_iter;
170 redist_options.order_space_op = 1;
171 redist_options.order_timestepper = 1;
173 // set both convergence criteria to false s.t. termination only when max_iterations reached
174 redist_options.convTolChange.check = false; // define here which of the convergence criteria above should be used. If both are true, termination only occurs when both are fulfilled or when iter > max_iter
175 redist_options.convTolResidual.check = false; // (default: false)
177 redist_options.interval_check_convergence = 100; // interval of #iterations at which
178 // convergence is checked (default: 100)
179 redist_options.width_NB_in_grid_points = 8; // width of narrow band in number of grid points. Must be at least 4, in order to have at least 2 grid points on each side of the interface. (default: 4)
180 redist_options.print_current_iterChangeResidual = true; // if true, prints out every current iteration + corresponding change from the previous iteration + residual from SDF (default: false)
181 redist_options.print_steadyState_iter = true; // if true, prints out the final iteration number when steady state was reached + final change + residual (default: true)
183 RedistancingSussman<grid_in_type> redist_obj(g_dist,
184 redist_options); // Instantiation of Sussman-redistancing class
185 redist_obj.set_user_time_step(dt);
186 std::cout << "dt set to = " << dt << std::endl;
187// std::cout << "dt for N = " << N << " is " << redist_obj.get_time_step() << std::endl;
188 // Run the redistancing. in the <> brackets provide property-index where 1.) your initial Phi is stored and 2.) where the resulting SDF should be written to.
189 redist_obj.run_redistancing<Phi_0_grid, SDF_sussman_grid>();
191 // Compute exact signed distance function at each grid point
192 init_analytic_sdf_circle<SDF_exact_grid>(g_dist, radius, center[x], center[y]);
194 // Compute the absolute error between analytical and numerical solution at each grid point
195 get_absolute_error<SDF_sussman_grid, SDF_exact_grid, Error_grid>(g_dist);
197// g_dist.write(
198// "grid_RKorder" + std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper) + "_i_" + std::to_string(i),
200// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201// // Get narrow band: Place particles on interface (narrow band width e.g. 4 grid points on each side of the
202// // interface)
203// size_t bc[grid_dim] = {PERIODIC, PERIODIC};
204// typedef aggregate<double> props_nb;
205// typedef vector_dist<grid_dim, double, props_nb> vd_type;
206// Ghost<grid_dim, double> ghost_vd(0);
207// vd_type vd_narrow_band(0, box, bc, ghost_vd);
208// vd_narrow_band.setPropNames({"error"});
209// const size_t Error_vd = 0;
210// // Compute the L_2- and L_infinity-norm and save to file
211// size_t narrow_band_width = 8;
212// NarrowBand<grid_in_type> narrowBand_points(g_dist,
213// narrow_band_width); // Instantiation of NarrowBand class
214// narrowBand_points.get_narrow_band_copy_specific_property<SDF_sussman_grid, Error_grid, Error_vd>(g_dist,
215// vd_narrow_band);
216// vd_narrow_band.write("vd_error_N" + std::to_string(N) + "_RKorder" +
217// std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper), FORMAT_BINARY);
219// // Compute the L_2- and L_infinity-norm and save to file
220// L_norms lNorms_vd;
221// lNorms_vd = get_l_norms_vector<Error_vd>(vd_narrow_band);
222// write_lnorms_to_file(dt, lNorms_vd,
223// "l_norms_RKorder" + std::to_string(redist_options.order_timestepper), "./");
226 }
227 }
228 }
Header file containing functions that compute the analytical solution of the signed distance function...
int sgn(T val)
Gets the sign of a variable.
Header file containing functions for computing the error and the L_2 / L_infinity norm.
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Class for reinitializing a level-set function into a signed distance function using Sussman redistanc...
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Definition Box.hpp:61
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__device__ __host__ const T & get(unsigned int i) const
Get coordinate.
Definition Point.hpp:172
Class for reinitializing a level-set function into a signed distance function using Sussman redistanc...
This is a distributed grid.
Structure to bundle options for redistancing.
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