OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
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Vector 7 SPH Dam break simulation with Dynamic load balacing on Multi-GPU

SPH with Dynamic load Balancing on GPU

This example show the classical SPH Dam break simulation with load balancing and dynamic load balancing. The main difference with SPH with Dynamic load Balancing is that here we use GPUs and 1.2 Millions particles.

Simulation video 1

Simulation video 2
Simulation video 3

This example use all the features explained in example Molecular Dynamic with Lennard-Jones potential on GPU. Additionally this example show how to remove particles on GPU using a bulk remove function on GPU

Bulk remove

On SPH we have the necessity to remove particles that go out of bound. OpenFPM provide the function remove_marked .

// remove the particles marked

where vd is the vector_dist_gpu red is the property that mark which particle must be removed. We mark the particle to be removed in the function kernel We check if the particle go out of the region of interest or their density go critically far from the rest density

// Check if the particle go out of range in space and in density, if they do mark them to remove it later
if (vd.getPos(a)[0] < 0.000263878 || vd.getPos(a)[1] < 0.000263878 || vd.getPos(a)[2] < 0.000263878 ||
vd.getPos(a)[0] > 0.000263878+1.59947 || vd.getPos(a)[1] > 0.000263878+0.672972 || vd.getPos(a)[2] > 0.50 ||
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) < RhoMin || vd.template getProp<rho>(a) > RhoMax)
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 1;}
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 0;}


When we want to launch a kernel "my_kernel" on CUDA we in general use the Nvidia CUDA syntax

my_kernel<<<wthr,thr>>>(arguments ... )

Where wthr is the number of workgroups and thr is the number of threads in a workgroup and arguments... are the arguments to pass to the kernel. Equivalently we can launch a kernel with the macro CUDA_LAUNCH_DIM3(my_kernel,wthr,thr,arguments...) or CUDA_LAUNCH(my_kernel,ite,arguments) where ite has been taken using getDomainIteratorGPU. There are several advantage on using CUDA_LAUNCH. The first advantage in using the macro is enabling SE_CLASS1 all kernel launch become synchronous and an error check is performed before continue to the next kernel making debugging easier. Another feature is the possibility to run CUDA code on CPU without a GPU. compiling with "CUDA_ON_CPU=1 make" (Note openfpm must be compiled with GPU support (-g) or with CUDA_ON_CPU support (-c "... --enable_cuda_on_cpu"). You can compile this example on CPU. You do not have to change a single line of code for this example. (Check the video to see this feature in action). All the openfpm GPU example and CUDA example can run on CPU if they use CUDA_LAUNCH as macro. We are planning to support AMD GPUs as well using this system.

#ifdef __NVCC__
//#define STOP_ON_ERROR
#define OPENMPI
//#define SE_CLASS1
#define SCAN_WITH_CUB //<------ In case you want to use CUB for scan operations
//#define EXTERNAL_SET_GPU <----- In case you want to distribute the GPUs differently from the default
#include "Vector/vector_dist.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include "Draw/DrawParticles.hpp"
typedef float real_number;
// A constant to indicate boundary particles
#define BOUNDARY 0
// A constant to indicate fluid particles
#define FLUID 1
// initial spacing between particles dp in the formulas
const real_number dp = 0.00425;
// Maximum height of the fluid water
// is going to be calculated and filled later on
real_number h_swl = 0.0;
// c_s in the formulas (constant used to calculate the sound speed)
const real_number coeff_sound = 20.0;
// gamma in the formulas
const real_number gamma_ = 7.0;
// sqrt(3.0*dp*dp) support of the kernel
const real_number H = 0.00736121593217;
// Eta in the formulas
const real_number Eta2 = 0.01 * H*H;
const real_number FourH2 = 4.0 * H*H;
// alpha in the formula
const real_number visco = 0.1;
// cbar in the formula (calculated later)
real_number cbar = 0.0;
// Mass of the fluid particles
const real_number MassFluid = 0.0000767656;
// Mass of the boundary particles
const real_number MassBound = 0.0000767656;
// End simulation time
#ifdef TEST_RUN
const real_number t_end = 0.001;
const real_number t_end = 1.5;
// Gravity acceleration
const real_number gravity = 9.81;
// Reference densitu 1000Kg/m^3
const real_number rho_zero = 1000.0;
// Filled later require h_swl, it is b in the formulas
real_number B = 0.0;
// Constant used to define time integration
const real_number CFLnumber = 0.2;
// Minimum T
const real_number DtMin = 0.00001;
// Minimum Rho allowed
const real_number RhoMin = 700.0;
// Maximum Rho allowed
const real_number RhoMax = 1300.0;
// Filled in initialization
real_number max_fluid_height = 0.0;
// Properties
const size_t type = 0;
// Density
const int rho = 1;
// Density at step n-1
const int rho_prev = 2;
// Pressure
const int Pressure = 3;
// Delta rho calculated in the force calculation
const int drho = 4;
// calculated force
const int force = 5;
// velocity
const int velocity = 6;
// velocity at previous step
const int velocity_prev = 7;
const int red = 8;
const int red2 = 9;
// Type of the vector containing particles
// | | | | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | | | | |
// type density density Pressure delta force velocity velocity reduction another
// at n-1 density at n - 1 buffer reduction buffer
template<typename Decomposition, typename vector> inline void addComputation(Decomposition & dec,
vector & vd,
size_t v,
size_t p)
if (vd.template getProp<type>(p) == FLUID)
template<typename Decomposition> inline void applyModel(Decomposition & dec, size_t v)
dec.setSubSubDomainComputationCost(v, dec.getSubSubDomainComputationCost(v) * dec.getSubSubDomainComputationCost(v));
real_number distributionTol()
return 1.01;
template<typename vd_type>
__global__ void EqState_gpu(vd_type vd, real_number B)
auto a = GET_PARTICLE(vd);
real_number rho_a = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
real_number rho_frac = rho_a / rho_zero;
vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a) = B*( rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac*rho_frac - 1.0);
inline void EqState(particles & vd)
auto it = vd.getDomainIteratorGPU();
const real_number a2 = 1.0/M_PI/H/H/H;
inline __device__ __host__ real_number Wab(real_number r)
r /= H;
if (r < 1.0)
return (1.0 - 3.0/2.0*r*r + 3.0/4.0*r*r*r)*a2;
else if (r < 2.0)
return (1.0/4.0*(2.0 - r*r)*(2.0 - r*r)*(2.0 - r*r))*a2;
return 0.0;
const real_number c1 = -3.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
const real_number d1 = 9.0/4.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
const real_number c2 = -3.0/4.0/M_PI/H/H/H/H;
const real_number a2_4 = 0.25*a2;
// Filled later
real_number W_dap = 0.0;
inline __device__ __host__ void DWab(Point<3,real_number> & dx, Point<3,real_number> & DW, real_number r)
const real_number qq=r/H;
real_number qq2 = qq * qq;
real_number fac1 = (c1*qq + d1*qq2)/r;
real_number b1 = (qq < 1.0f)?1.0f:0.0f;
real_number wqq = (2.0f - qq);
real_number fac2 = c2 * wqq * wqq / r;
real_number b2 = (qq >= 1.0f && qq < 2.0f)?1.0f:0.0f;
real_number factor = (b1*fac1 + b2*fac2);
DW.get(0) = factor * dx.get(0);
DW.get(1) = factor * dx.get(1);
DW.get(2) = factor * dx.get(2);
// Tensile correction
inline __device__ __host__ real_number Tensile(real_number r, real_number rhoa, real_number rhob, real_number prs1, real_number prs2, real_number W_dap)
const real_number qq=r/H;
//-Cubic Spline kernel
real_number wab;
real_number wqq1=2.0f-qq;
real_number wqq2=wqq1*wqq1;
real_number wqq2=qq*qq;
real_number wqq3=wqq2*qq;
//-Tensile correction.
real_number fab=wab*W_dap;
fab*=fab; fab*=fab; //fab=fab^4
const real_number tensilp1=(prs1/(rhoa*rhoa))*(prs1>0.0f? 0.01f: -0.2f);
const real_number tensilp2=(prs2/(rhob*rhob))*(prs2>0.0f? 0.01f: -0.2f);
return (fab*(tensilp1+tensilp2));
inline __device__ __host__ real_number Pi(const Point<3,real_number> & dr, real_number rr2, Point<3,real_number> & dv, real_number rhoa, real_number rhob, real_number massb, real_number cbar, real_number & visc)
const real_number dot = dr.get(0)*dv.get(0) + dr.get(1)*dv.get(1) + dr.get(2)*dv.get(2);
const real_number dot_rr2 = dot/(rr2+Eta2);
visc=(dot_rr2 < visc)?visc:dot_rr2;
if(dot < 0)
const float amubar=H*dot_rr2;
const float robar=(rhoa+rhob)*0.5f;
const float pi_visc=(-visco*cbar*amubar/robar);
return pi_visc;
return 0.0f;
template<typename particles_type, typename NN_type>
__global__ void calc_forces_gpu(particles_type vd, NN_type NN, real_number W_dap, real_number cbar)
// ... a
unsigned int a;
real_number max_visc = 0.0f;
// Get the position xp of the particle
// Type of the particle
unsigned int typea = vd.template getProp<type>(a);
// Take the mass of the particle dependently if it is FLUID or BOUNDARY
//real_number massa = (typea == FLUID)?MassFluid:MassBound;
// Get the density of the of the particle a
real_number rhoa = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
// Get the pressure of the particle a
real_number Pa = vd.template getProp<Pressure>(a);
// Get the Velocity of the particle a
Point<3,real_number> va = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a);
force_.get(0) = 0.0f;
force_.get(1) = 0.0f;
force_.get(2) = -gravity;
real_number drho_ = 0.0f;
// Get an iterator over the neighborhood particles of p
auto Np = NN.getNNIteratorBox(NN.getCell(xa));
// For each neighborhood particle
while (Np.isNext() == true)
// ... q
auto b = Np.get_sort();
// Get the position xp of the particle
// if (p == q) skip this particle this condition should be done in the r^2 = 0
if (a == b) {++Np; continue;};
unsigned int typeb = vd.template getProp<type>(b);
real_number massb = (typeb == FLUID)?MassFluid:MassBound;
Point<3,real_number> vb = vd.template getProp<velocity>(b);
real_number Pb = vd.template getProp<Pressure>(b);
real_number rhob = vd.template getProp<rho>(b);
// Get the distance between p and q
Point<3,real_number> dr = xa - xb;
Point<3,real_number> v_rel = va - vb;
// take the norm of this vector
real_number r2 = norm2(dr);
// if they interact
if (r2 < FourH2 && r2 >= 1e-16)
real_number r = sqrtf(r2);
real_number factor = - massb*((Pa + Pb) / (rhoa * rhob) + Tensile(r,rhoa,rhob,Pa,Pb,W_dap) + Pi(dr,r2,v_rel,rhoa,rhob,massb,cbar,max_visc));
// Bound - Bound does not produce any change
factor = (typea == BOUNDARY && typeb == BOUNDARY)?0.0f:factor;
force_.get(0) += factor * DW.get(0);
force_.get(1) += factor * DW.get(1);
force_.get(2) += factor * DW.get(2);
real_number scal = massb*(v_rel.get(0)*DW.get(0)+v_rel.get(1)*DW.get(1)+v_rel.get(2)*DW.get(2));
scal = (typea == BOUNDARY && typeb == BOUNDARY)?0.0f:scal;
drho_ += scal;
vd.template getProp<red>(a) = max_visc;
vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0] = force_.get(0);
vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1] = force_.get(1);
vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2] = force_.get(2);
vd.template getProp<drho>(a) = drho_;
template<typename CellList> inline void calc_forces(particles & vd, CellList & NN, real_number & max_visc, size_t cnt)
auto part = vd.getDomainIteratorGPU(96);
// Update the cell-list
max_visc = reduce_local<red,_max_>(vd);
template<typename vector_type>
__global__ void max_acceleration_and_velocity_gpu(vector_type vd)
auto a = GET_PARTICLE(vd);
Point<3,real_number> acc(vd.template getProp<force>(a));
vd.template getProp<red>(a) = norm(acc);
Point<3,real_number> vel(vd.template getProp<velocity>(a));
vd.template getProp<red2>(a) = norm(vel);
void max_acceleration_and_velocity(particles & vd, real_number & max_acc, real_number & max_vel)
// Calculate the maximum acceleration
auto part = vd.getDomainIteratorGPU();
max_acc = reduce_local<red,_max_>(vd);
max_vel = reduce_local<red2,_max_>(vd);
Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
real_number calc_deltaT(particles & vd, real_number ViscDtMax)
real_number Maxacc = 0.0;
real_number Maxvel = 0.0;
//-dt1 depends on force per unit mass.
const real_number dt_f = (Maxacc)?sqrt(H/Maxacc):std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
//-dt2 combines the Courant and the viscous time-step controls.
const real_number dt_cv = H/(std::max(cbar,Maxvel*10.f) + H*ViscDtMax);
//-dt new value of time step.
real_number dt=real_number(CFLnumber)*std::min(dt_f,dt_cv);
return dt;
template<typename vector_dist_type>
__global__ void verlet_int_gpu(vector_dist_type vd, real_number dt, real_number dt2, real_number dt205)
// ... a
auto a = GET_PARTICLE(vd);
// if the particle is boundary
if (vd.template getProp<type>(a) == BOUNDARY)
// Update rho
real_number rhop = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
// Update only the density
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] = 0.0;
real_number rhonew = vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) + dt2*vd.template getProp<drho>(a);
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) = (rhonew < rho_zero)?rho_zero:rhonew;
vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) = rhop;
vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 0;
//-Calculate displacement and update position
real_number dx = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt205;
real_number dy = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt205;
real_number dz = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt205;
vd.getPos(a)[0] += dx;
vd.getPos(a)[1] += dy;
vd.getPos(a)[2] += dz;
real_number velX = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0];
real_number velY = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1];
real_number velZ = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2];
real_number rhop = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[0] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt2;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[1] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt2;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] = vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[2] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt2;
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) = vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) + dt2*vd.template getProp<drho>(a);
// Check if the particle go out of range in space and in density
if (vd.getPos(a)[0] < 0.0 || vd.getPos(a)[1] < 0.0 || vd.getPos(a)[2] < 0.0 ||
vd.getPos(a)[0] > 1.61 || vd.getPos(a)[1] > 0.68 || vd.getPos(a)[2] > 0.50 ||
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) < RhoMin || vd.template getProp<rho>(a) > RhoMax)
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 1;}
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 0;}
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[0] = velX;
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[1] = velY;
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[2] = velZ;
vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) = rhop;
size_t cnt = 0;
void verlet_int(particles & vd, real_number dt)
// particle iterator
auto part = vd.getDomainIteratorGPU();
real_number dt205 = dt*dt*0.5;
real_number dt2 = dt*2.0;
// remove the particles marked
// increment the iteration counter
template<typename vector_type>
__global__ void euler_int_gpu(vector_type vd,real_number dt, real_number dt205)
// ... a
auto a = GET_PARTICLE(vd);
// if the particle is boundary
if (vd.template getProp<type>(a) == BOUNDARY)
// Update rho
real_number rhop = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
// Update only the density
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] = 0.0;
real_number rhonew = vd.template getProp<rho>(a) + dt*vd.template getProp<drho>(a);
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) = (rhonew < rho_zero)?rho_zero:rhonew;
vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) = rhop;
vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 0;
//-Calculate displacement and update position / Calcula desplazamiento y actualiza posicion.
real_number dx = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt205;
real_number dy = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt205;
real_number dz = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2]*dt + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt205;
vd.getPos(a)[0] += dx;
vd.getPos(a)[1] += dy;
vd.getPos(a)[2] += dz;
real_number velX = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0];
real_number velY = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1];
real_number velZ = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2];
real_number rhop = vd.template getProp<rho>(a);
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[0] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[0]*dt;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[1] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[1]*dt;
vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(a)[2] + vd.template getProp<force>(a)[2]*dt;
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) = vd.template getProp<rho>(a) + dt*vd.template getProp<drho>(a);
// Check if the particle go out of range in space and in density
if (vd.getPos(a)[0] < 0.0 || vd.getPos(a)[1] < 0.0 || vd.getPos(a)[2] < 0.0 ||
vd.getPos(a)[0] > 1.61 || vd.getPos(a)[1] > 0.68 || vd.getPos(a)[2] > 0.50 ||
vd.template getProp<rho>(a) < RhoMin || vd.template getProp<rho>(a) > RhoMax)
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 1;}
{vd.template getProp<red>(a) = 0;}
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[0] = velX;
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[1] = velY;
vd.template getProp<velocity_prev>(a)[2] = velZ;
vd.template getProp<rho_prev>(a) = rhop;
void euler_int(particles & vd, real_number dt)
// particle iterator
auto part = vd.getDomainIteratorGPU();
real_number dt205 = dt*dt*0.5;
// remove the particles
template<typename vector_type, typename NN_type>
__global__ void sensor_pressure_gpu(vector_type vd, NN_type NN, Point<3,real_number> probe, real_number * press_tmp)
real_number tot_ker = 0.0;
// Get the position of the probe i
// get the iterator over the neighbohood particles of the probes position
auto itg = NN.getNNIteratorBox(NN.getCell(xp));
while (itg.isNext())
auto q = itg.get_sort();
// Only the fluid particles are importants
if (vd.template getProp<type>(q) != FLUID)
// Get the position of the neighborhood particle q
// Calculate the contribution of the particle to the pressure
// of the probe
real_number r = sqrt(norm2(xp - xq));
real_number ker = Wab(r) * (MassFluid / rho_zero);
// Also keep track of the calculation of the summed
// kernel
tot_ker += ker;
// Add the total pressure contribution
*press_tmp += vd.template getProp<Pressure>(q) * ker;
// next neighborhood particle
// We calculate the pressure normalizing the
// sum over all kernels
if (tot_ker == 0.0)
{*press_tmp = 0.0;}
{*press_tmp = 1.0 / tot_ker * *press_tmp;}
template<typename Vector, typename CellList>
inline void sensor_pressure(Vector & vd,
CellList & NN,
Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < probes.size() ; i++)
// A float variable to calculate the pressure of the problem
CudaMemory press_tmp_(sizeof(real_number));
real_number press_tmp;
// if the probe is inside the processor domain
if (vd.getDecomposition().isLocal(probes.get(i)) == true)
CUDA_LAUNCH_DIM3(sensor_pressure_gpu,1,1,vd.toKernel_sorted(),NN.toKernel(),probes.get(i),(real_number *)press_tmp_.toKernel());
// move calculated pressure on
press_tmp = *(real_number *)press_tmp_.getPointer();
// This is not necessary in principle, but if you
// want to make all processor aware of the history of the calculated
// pressure we have to execute this
// We add the calculated pressure into the history
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// OpenFPM GPU distribution
// OpenFPM by default select GPU 0 for process 0, gpu 1 for process 1 and so on ... . In case of multi-node is the same each node has
// has a group of processes and these group of processes are distributed across the available GPU on that node.
// If you want to override this behaviour use #define EXTERNAL_SET_GPU at the very beginning of the program and use
// cudaSetDevice to select the GPU for that particular process before openfpm_init
// Note: To get the process number do MPI_Init and and use the MPI_Comm_rank. VCluster is not available before openfpm_init
// A code snippet in case we want to skip GPU 0
// MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
// int rank;
// MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
// cudaSetDevice(1+rank);
// initialize the library
#if !defined(CUDA_ON_CPU) && !defined(__HIP__)
// It contain for each time-step the value detected by the probes
// Here we define our domain a 2D box with internals from 0 to 1.0 for x and y
Box<3,real_number> domain({-0.05f,-0.05f,-0.05f},{1.7010f,0.7065f,0.511f});
size_t sz[3] = {413,179,133};
// Fill W_dap
W_dap = 1.0/Wab(H/1.5);
// Here we define the boundary conditions of our problem
// extended boundary around the domain, and the processor domain
particles vd(0,domain,bc,g,DEC_GRAN(128));
// You can ignore all these dp/2.0 is a trick to reach the same initialization
// of Dual-SPH that use a different criteria to draw particles
Box<3,real_number> fluid_box({dp/2.0f,dp/2.0f,dp/2.0f},{0.4f+dp/2.0f,0.67f-dp/2.0f,0.3f+dp/2.0f});
// return an iterator to the fluid particles to add to vd
auto fluid_it = DrawParticles::DrawBox(vd,sz,domain,fluid_box);
// here we fill some of the constants needed by the simulation
max_fluid_height = fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getHigh(2);
h_swl = fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getHigh(2) - fluid_it.getBoxMargins().getLow(2);
B = (coeff_sound)*(coeff_sound)*gravity*h_swl*rho_zero / gamma_;
cbar = coeff_sound * sqrt(gravity * h_swl);
// for each particle inside the fluid box ...
while (fluid_it.isNext())
// ... add a particle ...
// ... and set it position ...
vd.getLastPos()[0] = fluid_it.get().get(0);
vd.getLastPos()[1] = fluid_it.get().get(1);
vd.getLastPos()[2] = fluid_it.get().get(2);
// and its type.
vd.template getLastProp<type>() = FLUID;
// We also initialize the density of the particle and the hydro-static pressure given by
// rho_zero*g*h = P
// rho_p = (P/B + 1)^(1/Gamma) * rho_zero
vd.template getLastProp<Pressure>() = rho_zero * gravity * (max_fluid_height - fluid_it.get().get(2));
vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = pow(vd.template getLastProp<Pressure>() / B + 1, 1.0/gamma_) * rho_zero;
vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = vd.template getLastProp<rho>();
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
// next fluid particle
// Recipient
Box<3,real_number> recipient1({0.0f,0.0f,0.0f},{1.6f+dp/2.0f,0.67f+dp/2.0f,0.4f+dp/2.0f});
Box<3,real_number> recipient2({dp,dp,dp},{1.6f-dp/2.0f,0.67f-dp/2.0f,0.4f+dp/2.0f});
Box<3,real_number> obstacle1({0.9f,0.24f-dp/2.0f,0.0f},{1.02f+dp/2.0f,0.36f,0.45f+dp/2.0f});
Box<3,real_number> obstacle2({0.9f+dp,0.24f+dp/2.0f,0.0f},{1.02f-dp/2.0f,0.36f-dp,0.45f-dp/2.0f});
Box<3,real_number> obstacle3({0.9f+dp,0.24f,0.0f},{1.02f,0.36f,0.45f});
auto bound_box = DrawParticles::DrawSkin(vd,sz,domain,holes,recipient1);
while (bound_box.isNext())
vd.getLastPos()[0] = bound_box.get().get(0);
vd.getLastPos()[1] = bound_box.get().get(1);
vd.getLastPos()[2] = bound_box.get().get(2);
vd.template getLastProp<type>() = BOUNDARY;
vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = rho_zero;
vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = rho_zero;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
auto obstacle_box = DrawParticles::DrawSkin(vd,sz,domain,obstacle2,obstacle1);
while (obstacle_box.isNext())
vd.getLastPos()[0] = obstacle_box.get().get(0);
vd.getLastPos()[1] = obstacle_box.get().get(1);
vd.getLastPos()[2] = obstacle_box.get().get(2);
vd.template getLastProp<type>() = BOUNDARY;
vd.template getLastProp<rho>() = rho_zero;
vd.template getLastProp<rho_prev>() = rho_zero;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity>()[2] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[0] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[1] = 0.0;
vd.template getLastProp<velocity_prev>()[2] = 0.0;
// Now that we fill the vector with particles
// Ok the initialization is done on CPU on GPU we are doing the main loop, so first we offload all properties on GPU
vd.template hostToDeviceProp<type,rho,rho_prev,Pressure,velocity,velocity_prev>();
auto NN = vd.getCellListGPU/*<CELLLIST_GPU_SPARSE<3,float>>*/(2*H / 2.0);
timer tot_sim;
size_t write = 0;
size_t it = 0;
size_t it_reb = 0;
real_number t = 0.0;
while (t <= t_end)
Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
timer it_time;
if (it_reb == 300)
// Rebalancer for now work on CPU , so move to CPU
vd.template deviceToHostProp<type>();
it_reb = 0;
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
{std::cout << "REBALANCED " << it_reb << std::endl;}
// it sort the vector (doesn not seem to produce some advantage)
// note force calculation is anyway sorted calculation
// Calculate pressure from the density
real_number max_visc = 0.0;
// Calc forces
// Get the maximum viscosity term across processors
// Calculate delta t integration
real_number dt = calc_deltaT(vd,max_visc);
// VerletStep or euler step
if (it < 40)
it = 0;
t += dt;
if (write < t*10)
// Sensor pressure require update ghost, so we ensure that particles are distributed correctly
// and ghost are updated;
// calculate the pressure at the sensor points
std::cout << "OUTPUT " << dt << std::endl;
// When we write we have move all the particles information back to CPU
// We copy on another vector with less properties to reduce the size of the output
auto ito = vd.getDomainIterator();
auto p = ito.get();
vd_out.getLastPos()[0] = vd.getPos(p)[0];
vd_out.getLastPos()[1] = vd.getPos(p)[1];
vd_out.getLastPos()[2] = vd.getPos(p)[2];
vd_out.template getLastProp<0>() = vd.template getProp<type>(p);
vd_out.template getLastProp<1>()[0] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(p)[0];
vd_out.template getLastProp<1>()[1] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(p)[1];
vd_out.template getLastProp<1>()[2] = vd.template getProp<velocity>(p)[2];
vd_out.write_frame("Particles",write,VTK_WRITER | FORMAT_BINARY);
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
{std::cout << "TIME: " << t << " write " << it_time.getwct() << " " << it_reb << " " << cnt << " Max visc: " << max_visc << " " << vd.size_local() << std::endl;}
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
{std::cout << "TIME: " << t << " " << it_time.getwct() << " " << it_reb << " " << cnt << " Max visc: " << max_visc << " " << vd.size_local() << std::endl;}
std::cout << "Time to complete: " << tot_sim.getwct() << " seconds" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Definition Box.hpp:61
__device__ __host__ T getLow(int i) const
get the i-coordinate of the low bound interval of the box
Definition Box.hpp:556
__device__ __host__ T getHigh(int i) const
get the high interval of the box
Definition Box.hpp:567
Class for FAST cell list implementation.
Definition CellList.hpp:357
auto get(size_t cell, size_t ele) -> decltype(this->Mem_type::get(cell, ele))
Get an element in the cell.
Definition CellList.hpp:867
This class define the domain decomposition interface.
static PointIteratorSkin< dim, T, typename vd_type::Decomposition_type > DrawSkin(vd_type &vd, size_t(&sz)[dim], Box< dim, T > &domain, Box< dim, T > &sub_A, Box< dim, T > &sub_B)
Draw particles in a box B excluding the area of a second box A (B - A)
static PointIterator< dim, T, typename vd_type::Decomposition_type > DrawBox(vd_type &vd, size_t(&sz)[dim], Box< dim, T > &domain, Box< dim, T > &sub)
Draw particles in a box.
This class implement the point shape in an N-dimensional space.
Definition Point.hpp:28
__device__ __host__ const T & get(unsigned int i) const
Get coordinate.
Definition Point.hpp:172
void execute()
Execute all the requests.
void sum(T &num)
Sum the numbers across all processors and get the result.
size_t getProcessUnitID()
Get the process unit id.
void max(T &num)
Get the maximum number across all processors (or reduction with infinity norm)
Implementation of VCluster class.
Definition VCluster.hpp:59
Sparse Matrix implementation stub object when OpenFPM is compiled with no linear algebra support.
Definition Vector.hpp:40
Implementation of 1-D std::vector like structure.
Class for cpu time benchmarking.
Definition timer.hpp:28
void stop()
Stop the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:119
void start()
Start the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:90
double getwct()
Return the elapsed real time.
Definition timer.hpp:130
Distributed vector.
void updateCellList(CellL &cell_list, bool no_se3=false, cl_construct_opt opt=cl_construct_opt::Full)
Update a cell list using the stored particles.
auto getPos(vect_dist_key_dx vec_key) -> decltype(v_pos.template get< 0 >(vec_key.getKey()))
Get the position of an element.
Model for Dynamic load balancing.
Definition main.cpp:222
temporal buffer for reductions