OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
Using Vcluster to communicate across processors

Simple example

This example show several basic functionalities of Vcluster


Before using any functionality the library must be initialized


Initialization of Vcluster

Because in general our program is parallel we have more than one processors. With the function getProcessingUnits() we can get how many processors are involved in our computation

Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
long int N_prc = v_cl.getProcessingUnits();
size_t getProcessingUnits()
Get the total number of processors.
Implementation of VCluster class.
Definition VCluster.hpp:59

Min, max, sum

With the function getProcessUnitID() we can get the id of the processor executing the function. This function is equivalent to the MPI rank function. Vcluster provides several high and low level functionalities. One is max that return the maximum value across processors. There is also the function min and sum that return respectively the sum and the minimum across processors. All these operations are asynchronous, in order to get the result the function execute must be used. In our example the processor 0 print the result but can be easily verified that also the other processors has the same value.

long int id = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Maximum processor rank: " << id << "\n";
void execute()
Execute all the requests.
size_t getProcessUnitID()
Get the process unit id.
void max(T &num)
Get the maximum number across all processors (or reduction with infinity norm)

We sum all the processor ranks the result should be \(\frac{(n-1)n}{2}\), only processor 0 print on terminal

size_t id2 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Sum of all processors rank: " << id2 << "\n";
void sum(T &num)
Sum the numbers across all processors and get the result.

Than each processor send its own rank. the vector of all ranks is collected on all processors.

long int id3 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Collected ids: ";
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++)
std::cout << " " << v.get(i) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
bool allGather(T &send, openfpm::vector< T, Mem, gr > &v)
Gather the data from all processors.
Implementation of 1-D std::vector like structure.

Send and recv

we can also send messages to specific processors, with the condition that the receiving processors is aware of such communication to (send and recv must be coupled). if you are searching for a more free way to communicate where the receiving processors does not know which one processor want to communicate with us, see the example 1_dsde

// Create 2 messages with and hello message inside
std::stringstream ss_message_1;
std::stringstream ss_message_2;
ss_message_1 << "Hello from " << std::setw(8) << v_cl.getProcessUnitID() << "\n";
ss_message_2 << "Hello from " << std::setw(8) << v_cl.getProcessUnitID() << "\n";
std::string message_1 = ss_message_1.str();
std::string message_2 = ss_message_2.str();
size_t msg_size = message_1.size();
// Processor 0 send to processors 1,2 , 1 to 2,1, 2 to 0,1
// send the message
v_cl.send(((id3+1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_1.c_str(),msg_size);
v_cl.send(((id3+2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_2.c_str(),msg_size);
// create the receiving buffer
openfpm::vector<char> v_two(msg_size);
// Processor 0 receive from 1,2 ...
v_cl.recv(((id3-1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,(void *)v_one.getPointer(),msg_size);
v_cl.recv(((id3-2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,(void *)v_two.getPointer(),msg_size);
// Processor 0 print the received message
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_one.get(i);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_two.get(i);
bool recv(size_t proc, size_t tag, void *v, size_t sz)
Recv data from a processor.
bool send(size_t proc, size_t tag, const void *mem, size_t sz)
Send data to a processor.

All in one

Because all previous functions are asynchronous we can also do what we did before in one shot

// Get the rank of the processor and put this rank in one variable
id = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
id2 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
id3 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
// convert the string into a vector
openfpm::vector<char> message_1_v(msg_size);
openfpm::vector<char> message_2_v(msg_size);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
message_1_v.get(i) = message_1[i];
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
message_2_v.get(i) = message_2[i];
// Calculate the maximin across all the rank
// Calculate the sum across all the rank
// all processor send one number, all processor receive all numbers
// in the case of vector we have special functions that avoid to specify the size
v_cl.send(((id+1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_1_v);
v_cl.send(((id+2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_2_v);
v_cl.recv(((id-1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,v_one);
v_cl.recv(((id-2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,v_two);
// Only processor one print the received data
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 1)
std::cout << "Maximum processor rank: " << id << "\n";
std::cout << "Sum of all processors rank: " << id << "\n";
std::cout << "Collected ids: ";
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++)
std::cout << " " << v.get(i) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_one.get(i);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_two.get(i);


At the very end of the program we have always to de-initialize the library


Full code

#include "Grid/grid_dist_id.hpp"
#include "data_type/aggregate.hpp"
#include "Decomposition/CartDecomposition.hpp"
#include "VCluster/VCluster.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Vcluster<> & v_cl = create_vcluster();
long int N_prc = v_cl.getProcessingUnits();
long int id = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Maximum processor rank: " << id << "\n";
size_t id2 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Sum of all processors rank: " << id2 << "\n";
long int id3 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
std::cout << "Collected ids: ";
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++)
std::cout << " " << v.get(i) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
// Create 2 messages with and hello message inside
std::stringstream ss_message_1;
std::stringstream ss_message_2;
ss_message_1 << "Hello from " << std::setw(8) << v_cl.getProcessUnitID() << "\n";
ss_message_2 << "Hello from " << std::setw(8) << v_cl.getProcessUnitID() << "\n";
std::string message_1 = ss_message_1.str();
std::string message_2 = ss_message_2.str();
size_t msg_size = message_1.size();
// Processor 0 send to processors 1,2 , 1 to 2,1, 2 to 0,1
// send the message
v_cl.send(((id3+1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_1.c_str(),msg_size);
v_cl.send(((id3+2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_2.c_str(),msg_size);
// create the receiving buffer
openfpm::vector<char> v_two(msg_size);
// Processor 0 receive from 1,2 ...
v_cl.recv(((id3-1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,(void *)v_one.getPointer(),msg_size);
v_cl.recv(((id3-2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,(void *)v_two.getPointer(),msg_size);
// Processor 0 print the received message
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 0)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_one.get(i);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_two.get(i);
// Get the rank of the processor and put this rank in one variable
id = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
id2 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
id3 = v_cl.getProcessUnitID();
// convert the string into a vector
openfpm::vector<char> message_1_v(msg_size);
openfpm::vector<char> message_2_v(msg_size);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
message_1_v.get(i) = message_1[i];
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
message_2_v.get(i) = message_2[i];
// Calculate the maximin across all the rank
// Calculate the sum across all the rank
// all processor send one number, all processor receive all numbers
// in the case of vector we have special functions that avoid to specify the size
v_cl.send(((id+1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_1_v);
v_cl.send(((id+2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,message_2_v);
v_cl.recv(((id-1)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,v_one);
v_cl.recv(((id-2)%N_prc + N_prc)%N_prc,0,v_two);
// Only processor one print the received data
if (v_cl.getProcessUnitID() == 1)
std::cout << "Maximum processor rank: " << id << "\n";
std::cout << "Sum of all processors rank: " << id << "\n";
std::cout << "Collected ids: ";
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++)
std::cout << " " << v.get(i) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_one.get(i);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < msg_size ; i++)
std::cout << v_two.get(i);