OpenFPM_pdata  4.1.0
Project that contain the implementation of distributed structures
No Matches
1// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2// Copyright (C) 2021 ---- absingh
4// This file is part of the Surface DCPSE Paper.
6// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9// (at your option) any later version.
11// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14// GNU General Public License for more details.
16// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17// along with this program. If not, see <>.
18// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20//#define SE_CLASS1
22#include "Vector/vector_dist_subset.hpp"
23#include "DCPSE/DCPSE_op/DCPSE_surface_op.hpp"
24//#include "DCPSE/DCPSE_OP/DCPSE_Solver.hpp"
25#include "util/SphericalHarmonics.hpp"
28std::string p_output;
30constexpr int DF=0;
31constexpr int F=1;
32constexpr int ANADF=2;
33constexpr int ERR=3;
34constexpr int NORMAL=4;
35constexpr int PCOORD=5;
38openfpm::vector<std::string> propNames{{"Df","f","AnaDf","error","Normal","PCOORD"}};
41int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
42 openfpm_init(&argc,&argv);
43 auto & v_cl = create_vcluster();
44 timer tt,tt2,tt3,tt4;
45 tt4.start();
46 size_t n;
47 double spL;
48 double grid_spacing_surf;
49 double rCut;
50 constexpr int K = 4;
52 // Get command line arguments
53 if (argc > 3) {
54 if(v_cl.rank()==0)
55 std::cout << "Warning: The executable requires the following arguments: number_grid_points orderOfConv" << std::endl;
56 }
58 n = std::stoi(argv[1]);
59 unsigned int ord=std::stoi(argv[2]);
60 //spL=std::stof(argv[2]);
61 //grid_spacing_surf=std::stof(argv[3]);
62 //rCut=std::stof(argv[4]);
64 p_output = "particles";
65 size_t n_sp=n;
66 // Domain
67 double boxP1{-1.5}, boxP2{1.5};
68 double boxSize{boxP2 - boxP1};
69 size_t sz[3] = {n,n,n};
70 double grid_spacing{0.8/((std::pow(sz[0],1/3.0)-1))};
71 double Golden_angle=M_PI * (3.0 - sqrt(5.0));
72 grid_spacing_surf=grid_spacing;
73 rCut=2.9 * grid_spacing_surf;
75 Box<3,double> domain{{boxP1,boxP1,boxP1},{boxP2,boxP2,boxP2}};
77 Ghost<3,double> ghost{rCut + grid_spacing/8.0};
79 // particles
80 vector_type particles{0,domain,bc,ghost};
81 particles.setPropNames(propNames);
83 Point<3,double> coord;
84 // 1. particles on the Circular surface
85 double theta{0.0};
86 if (v_cl.rank() == 0) {
87 for(int i=1;i<n_sp;i++)
88 {
89 double y = 1.0 - (i /double(n_sp - 1.0)) * 2.0;
90 double radius = sqrt(1 - y * y);
91 double Golden_theta = Golden_angle * i;
92 double x = cos(Golden_theta) * radius;
93 double z = sin(Golden_theta) * radius;
94 particles.add();
95 particles.getLastPos()[0] = x;
96 particles.getLastPos()[1] = y;
97 particles.getLastPos()[2] = z;
98 double rm=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
99 particles.getLastProp<NORMAL>()[0] = x/rm;
100 particles.getLastProp<NORMAL>()[1] = y/rm;
101 particles.getLastProp<NORMAL>()[2] = z/rm;
102 particles.getLastProp<PCOORD>()[0] = 1.0 ;
103 particles.getLastProp<PCOORD>()[1] = std::atan2(sqrt(x*x+y*y),z);
104 particles.getLastProp<PCOORD>()[2] = std::atan2(y,x);
105 }
106 particles.getLastSubset(1);
107 std::cout << "n: " << n <<" - rCut: " << rCut << " nSpacing" << grid_spacing_surf<<std::endl;
108 }
114 vector_dist_subset<3,double,prop> particles_boundary(particles,1);
115 auto &bulkIds=particles_bulk.getIds();
116 auto &bdrIds=particles_boundary.getIds();
117 std::unordered_map<const lm,double,key_hash,key_equal> Alm;
118 //Setting max mode l_max
119 //Setting amplitudes to 1
120 for(int l=0;l<=K;l++){
121 for(int m=-l;m<=l;m++){
122 Alm[std::make_tuple(l,m)]=0;
123 }
124 }
125 //2Alm[std::make_tuple(1,0)]=1;
126 Alm[std::make_tuple(K,0)]=1;
127 //Alm[std::make_tuple(3,2)]=1;
129 spL=K;
130 auto it2 = particles.getDomainIterator();
131 while (it2.isNext()) {
132 auto p = it2.get();
133 Point<3, double> xP = particles.getProp<PCOORD>(p);
134 particles.getProp<ANADF>(p)=openfpm::math::sumY_Scalar<K>(xP[0],xP[1],xP[2],Alm);
135 particles.getProp<DF>(p)=-(K)*(K+1)*openfpm::math::sumY_Scalar<K>(xP[0],xP[1],xP[2],Alm);
136 ++it2;
137 }
138 particles.ghost_get<ANADF>();
139 auto DErr=getV<ERR>(particles);
140 auto Af=getV<ANADF>(particles);
141 auto Df=getV<DF>(particles);
142 auto f=getV<F>(particles);
143 tt.start();
144 tt3.start();
145 SurfaceDerivative_xx<NORMAL> Sdxx{particles,ord,rCut,grid_spacing_surf};
146 SurfaceDerivative_yy<NORMAL> Sdyy{particles,ord,rCut,grid_spacing_surf};
147 SurfaceDerivative_zz<NORMAL> Sdzz{particles,ord,rCut,grid_spacing_surf};
148 tt3.stop();
149 tt2.start();
151 f=(Sdxx(Af)+Sdyy(Af)+Sdzz(Af));
152 tt2.stop();
153 tt.stop();
155 particles.write_frame(p_output,0,BINARY);
156 // Error
157 double MaxError=0,L2=0;
158 for (int j = 0; j < bulkIds.size(); j++) {
159 auto p = bulkIds.get<0>(j);
160 particles.getProp<ERR>(p) = fabs(particles.getProp<F>(p)-particles.getProp<DF>(p));
161 if (particles.getProp<ERR>(p)>MaxError){
162 MaxError=particles.getProp<ERR>(p);
163 }
164 L2+=particles.getProp<ERR>(p)*particles.getProp<ERR>(p);
165 }
166 double tcpu=tt.getcputime(),twall=tt.getwct(),
167 Dtcpu=tt2.getcputime(),Dtwall=tt2.getwct(),
168 DCtcpu=tt3.getcputime(),DCtwall=tt3.getwct();
169 v_cl.sum(DCtcpu);
170 v_cl.sum(DCtwall);
171 v_cl.sum(Dtcpu);
172 v_cl.sum(Dtwall);
173 v_cl.sum(tcpu);
174 v_cl.sum(twall);
175 v_cl.sum(L2);
176 v_cl.max(MaxError);
177 v_cl.execute();
178 L2=sqrt(L2);
179 std::cout.precision(16);
180 if (v_cl.rank()==0){
181 std::cout<<"L2:"<<L2/double(sqrt(n_sp))<<std::endl;
182 std::cout<<"L_inf:"<<MaxError<<std::endl;
183 }
186 particles.write(p_output,BINARY);
187 Sdxx.deallocate(particles);
188 Sdyy.deallocate(particles);
189 tt4.stop();
190 double Ftcpu=tt4.getcputime(),Ftwall=tt.getwct();
191 v_cl.sum(Ftcpu);
192 v_cl.sum(Ftwall);
193 v_cl.execute();
194 if (v_cl.rank() == 0){
195 std::cout << "DCPSE Construction took: " << DCtcpu/v_cl.size() << " s (CPU) - " << DCtwall/v_cl.size() << " s (wall)\n";
196 std::cout << "DCPSE Evaluation took: " << Dtcpu/v_cl.size() << " s (CPU) - " << Dtwall/v_cl.size() << " s (wall)\n";
197 std::cout << "Total DCPSE time: " << tcpu/v_cl.size() << " s (CPU) - " << twall/v_cl.size() << " s (wall)\n";
198 std::cout << "Entire Simulation took: " << Ftcpu/v_cl.size() << " s (CPU) - " << Ftwall/v_cl.size() << " s (wall)\n";
199 }
200 openfpm_finalize();
201 return 0;
Header file containing functions for creating files and folders.
This class represent an N-dimensional box.
Definition Box.hpp:61
This class implement the point shape in an N-dimensional space.
Definition Point.hpp:28
Implementation of 1-D std::vector like structure.
Class for cpu time benchmarking.
Definition timer.hpp:28
void stop()
Stop the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:119
double getcputime()
Return the cpu time.
Definition timer.hpp:142
void start()
Start the timer.
Definition timer.hpp:90
double getwct()
Return the elapsed real time.
Definition timer.hpp:130
vect_dist_key_dx get()
Get the actual key.
Distributed vector.
bool write_frame(std::string out, size_t iteration, int opt=VTK_WRITER)
Output particle position and properties.
auto getProp(vect_dist_key_dx vec_key) -> decltype(v_prp.template get< id >(vec_key.getKey()))
Get the property of an element.
auto getLastProp() -> decltype(v_prp.template get< id >(0))
Get the property of the last element.
void setPropNames(const openfpm::vector< std::string > &names)
Set the properties names.
vector_dist_iterator getDomainIterator() const
Get an iterator that traverse the particles in the domain.
void ghost_get(size_t opt=WITH_POSITION)
It synchronize the properties and position of the ghost particles.
void map(size_t opt=NONE)
It move all the particles that does not belong to the local processor to the respective processor.
bool write(std::string out, int opt=VTK_WRITER)
Output particle position and properties.
auto getLastPos() -> decltype(v_pos.template get< 0 >(0))
Get the position of the last element.
void add()
Add local particle.
void deleteGhost()
Delete the particles on the ghost.
[v_transform metafunction]
aggregate of properties, from a list of object if create a struct that follow the OPENFPM native stru...